To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society.

New report

  • Episode 16: Multiple Surgeries are Performed Simultaneously throughout the DayDecember 30, 2022
    The fourth piece of evidence that an enormous living human organ donor bank exists is that multiple surgeries have been performed simultaneously throughout the day, with the maximum number of liver and kidney transplants performed per day in one hospital being 24.
  • Episode 15: One Organ Transplants with Multiple Standby DonorsDecember 7, 2022
    The third piece of evidence that an enormous living human organ donor bank exists is that one transplant operation would have multiple backup donors. Three living persons could even be used as backup liver donors for one patient.
  • Episode 14: The Percentage of Emergency Liver Transplants Reached 26.6%December 2, 2022
    The second piece of evidence that an enormous living human organ donor bank exists is that after 1999 in Mainland China, emergency liver transplant operations performed on patients with acute hepatonecrosis within 72 hours of their hospital admission account for as many as 26.6% of the total number of liver transplants.
  • Episode 13. Average Organ Transplant Wait Time of One to Two Weeks October 22, 2022
    Yet, in China, since 1999, the wait times for organs are unusually short: only 1-2 weeks, or even a few hours. It appears that hospitals in China have more than enough people, or “donors,” to choose from. It is common to find suitable organ “donors” very quickly. The method is known as reverse matching.
    It’s clear that finding a matching organ for a recipient is exceedingly difficult. For this reason, patients in every other country, except China, must wait two to three years, or even longer, for a transplant. The process of patients waiting for matching organs is called forward matching.
  • Episode 12. 100 Times Less Average Wait Time between the United States and ChinaSept.21, 2022
    In China, in 2003, a patient got 8 organs in 2 months, which implies one organ per week. However, before 2005, There were very few records of voluntary donations from citizens. There was also no national online matching system until 2013.

    Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney waited for almost two years to obtain an organ on March 24, 2012. In the United States at that time, there were 120 million voluntary donors and an advanced organ deployment network system.
  • Episode 11. Another Promotion of Free Liver Transplantation Came into Sight in China!Sept.15, 2022
    June, 2017, in which there was another promotion of free liver transplants in China!
    From June 1 to June 30, 2017, Jilin Provincial Travel Radio and the Hepatic Transplantation Center of the First Hospital of Jilin University jointly launch a program of free liver transplantation for 10 children.

    The origins of the liver sources are not transparent and confidential, implying that there is some shady business involved.
  • Episode 10. Organ Transplant Volume has Steadily Increased in China since 2006May.23, 2022
    In this episode, we are going to take a look at the anomaly of the continuous increase of organ transplant volume in Mainland China after 2006. Organ transplantation in communist China continues to expand in scale, and the number of ward beds dedicated to transplant patients increases every year. The average occupancy rate for these ward beds is 103 percent, with the rate being as high as 131.1 percent in some hospitals. In order to bring in more in-patients and lessen the heavy workload of their kidney transplant departments, some hospitals have shortened the average length of hospital stay .
  • Episode 9. Large-scale Promotions of Rushed Transplants with Living Human OrgansApril.27, 2022
    The CCP’s large-scale systematic organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners held in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Liaoning Province of northeastern China was exposed by the international media on March 9, 2006. Facing the allegations, the CCP and China’s organ transplant industry kept silent for three weeks. The Foreign Ministry spokesperson then denied the camp’s existence. After the Interim Provisions were announced, many hospitals across China saw a dramatic increase in their organ transplant operations. Hospitals nationwide suddenly had a large number of organs available,
  • Episode 8. Live Organ Harvesting Concentration Camp ExposedMarch.15, 2022
    On March 9, 2006, Annie, a nurse who worked for Liaoning Thrombosis Treatment Center of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine at Sujiatun, Shenyang City in China, fled to Washington, D.C. to disclose the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) evil crime of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners to the Epoch Times.
    According to her, more than 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners had been detained in the Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital. During a two-year period from 2001 to 2003, her ex-husband removed more than 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners’ corneas,
  • Episode 7. Rapid Growth of Organ Transplant Institutions in China after 1999 and Their Overseas Dumping of OrgansMarch.15, 2022
    After former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) head Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, the number of organ transplants in China increased exponentially at the same time. A large number of organ transplant centers and tissue typing centers were rapidly established.
    The participating medical units are located in all the provinces, central government-controlled municipalities and autonomous regions of mainland China. All organ transplant institutions in China are involved in live organ harvesting for transplantation.