To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society.

Episode 1. Eyewitness Testimony from a live organ harvesting site

Publish on August 9, 2016, Updated on December. 5, 2018
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Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence (English Dubbed) from WOIPFG on Vimeo.


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Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence

Table of Contents

The updated version of “Irrefutable Evidence” is a documentary exposing the most detailed and comprehensive evidence on the CCP’s crime of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. The film presents the key evidence on live organ harvesting collected from more than a decade of investigation by World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). Through a series of lectures, it details the logical relationship among different pieces of evidence, the background of the investigation and sources of information, thereby systematically revealing the irrefutable existence of live organ harvesting in China, a crime that is unprecedented in human history.

The film includes the phone investigative recordings of five incumbent and former standing committee members of the Chinese Communist Party Central Politburo, a vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, a defense minister, a former health minister of the General Logistics Department of the People’s Liberation Army, as well as many transplant surgeons, officials of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, the “610 Office” officials and court officials. It is a full-length documentary and a quick piece of information for people to fully understand and study in depth the CCP’s crime of live organ harvesting.


Chapter 1:  The Explosive Growth of China’s Organ Transplantation Industry Since 1999

  I. The number of hospitals that perform liver transplants has increased 20-fold

  II.Annual national liver transplant figures show an 180-fold increase in surgeries after the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999

Chapter 2: Existence of a Massive Living Organ Donor Pool 

  Evidence I: Reverse matching in China, organs are waiting for patients,the average waiting time is 1-2 weeks

  Evidence II: Killing on demand, the percentage of emergency transplant operations is as high as 26.6 percent 

  Evidence III: Multiple spare organs available for one transplant recipient 

  Evidence IV: Many hospitals conduct multiple transplant operations at the same time. In one hospital, 24 liver and kidney transplants were conducted in one day

  Evidence V: Organ harvesting suspected, warm ischemia time is either zero or exceedingly short  

  Evidence VI: Proof of organ harvesting found in a medical paper

  Evidence VII: Falun Dafa practitioners are forced to have blood tests, which is powerful evidence for the existence of a living organ bank

Chapter 3:  Organ Transplants Intensify after the CCP’S Large-Scale Organ Harvesting from Live Falun Gong Practitioners was Exposed in 2006

  I. Working overtime for intensive organ transplants

  II. Hospitals slash prices, even offering free transplants to increase sales of organ transplant operations  

Chapter 4: Since 2006, organ transplants have climbed steadily in China

  I. The number of beds increases, the turnover rates are high, and the number of transplants are huge   

  II. The quantity of organ transplant surgery is huge, and the workload is heavy throughout the whole year  

Chapter 5: The Estimated Scale of Transplantation in China

  I. Estimation of transplant numbers from hospital data

  II. Media reports validate the massive scale of transplants performed

  III. Authoritative CCP Transplant Specialists Confirm that the Actual Number of Transplants Far Exceeds Official Published Numbers

  IV. A surprising witness: German surgeon said one Chinese hospital conducted 2,000 transplants per year  

  V. The testimony of Yang Guang

  VI. The latest investigative phone recording of Politburo Standing Committee Member Zhang Gaoli confirms the CCP’s Crimes of Organ Harvesting

Chapter 6: The Claim that Organs are from Death Row Prisoners is a Lie

  I. The number of death row prisoners far less than the organ transplant volumes

  II. Matching probability indicates that the organ pool size is much greater than the number of death row prisoners  

  III. Only a small number of death row prisoners qualify to become organ donors due to health factors  

  IV. The donors in excellent health, as specified in Chinese doctors’ medical papers, were not death row prisoners  

Chapter 7:The Claim that All Organs Were From Donation in 2015 is a Lie

  I. The organ donation system in China is actually in a paralyzed state, and has failed to function   

  II. According to organ donation organizations, organ donation is scarce, and the number of successful donations is few and far between

  III. Huang Jiefu claimed that the number of organ transplants in 2015 hit a new record

  IV. Our investigation shows that all transplant hospitals under investigation are conducting transplant operations on a massive scale

  V. Crimes of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners continue

  VI. Doctors in mainland China murder for organs

Chapter 8: Tens of Millions of Falun Gong Practitioners Detained for Petitioning are the Suspected Main Sources for the Organ Donor Pool

  I. More than 10 million Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally arrested for peacefully petitioning  

  II. Using code numbers instead of names to identify secretly detained Falun Gong practitioners as sources within the organ pool 

  III. 2.1 million locked up in labor camps from 2000 to 2006

  IV. Explosive growth of China’s organ transplant industry correlates with the time during which Falun Gong Practitioners were persecuted

Chapter 9: A State Crime: Ordered by Jiang, and Carried Out by the Military

  I. Four types of evidence showing Jiang Zemin Personally Issued the Order

  II. Strong incentives promoting the development of new transplant technologies

Chapter 10: Other Means Through which Falun Gong Practitioners Have Been Subjected to Genocide  

  I. Wang Lijun and his human subject tests

  II. The secret behind the world’s largest exporter of plastinated human body specimens

  III. Many hospitals use “fresh corpses” of healthy young people to perform simulated liver transplant experiments
  IV. Multi-organ Transplantation Experiments with Human Bodies
Chapter 11: The CCP's History of Killing is Against Human Nature and Conscience

  I. The CCP’s history of live organ harvesting

  II. The CCP’s various murderous political campaigns were acts of genocide

Chapter 12: WOIPFG Shall Never Give up Fulfilling Its Mission