To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society.

New report

  • Internet Survelliance in the Persecution of Falun GongMay, 2004
    A 2003 Reporters Without Borders (RSF) report indicated that the number of people in China who have been incarcerated as a result of Internet publishing ranked first in the world. According to incomplete statistics, WOIPFG has found that as of the end of April 2004, as a result of Internet-related activities, 108 Falun Gong practitioners have been incarcerated, illegally sent to labor camps, and tortured. Three identified Falun Gong practitioners arrested for Internet-related activities were tortured to death. Among the Falun Gong practitioners who have been arrested and persecut...
  • Investigative Report on How Internet Is Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in ChinaApril 24, 2004
    During the past year, the foundation work for Golden Shield Project has been finished. The Chinese security system starts to purchase some complicated surveillance technology from western enterprises. Ultimately the aim is to integrate a gigantic online database with an all-encompassing surveillance network – incorporating speech and face recognition, closed-circuit television, smart cards, credit records, and Internet surveillance technologies. ---International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development in Canada, Oct. 2001
  • Investigative Report on Large Amount of Chinese Government's Capital Spent on Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners(1)August 29, 2004
    Index Summary Huge Amount of State-owned Capital Resources were used by the Public Security Organs to Persecute Falun Gong Foreign Investment Increased but Utilization Decreased Funds Used for Persecution of Falun Gong in Various Areas Summary In the 5 years of persecution against Falun Gong from 1999 to 2004, large amount of capital was used to persecute innocent Chinese people. This has created serious problems to China's economic development. After initial investigation, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Fa...
  • Systematic Persecution in China's SchoolAugust 31, 2004
    Please download PDF file. World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Tel:1-347-448-5790;Fax:1-347-402-1444; Mail Address:P.O. Box 84, New york, NY 10116 Website:,
  • Investigative Report on Spiritual PersecutionFebruary 23, 2004
    According to our incomplete statistics, by the end of 2003, during four and a half years of systematically persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, instances of using psychiatric facilities to torture Falun Gong practitioners occurred throughout China. At least one thousand Falun Gong practitioners who were completely mentally healthy people were forcibly sent to psychiatric hospitals and drug rehabilitation centers. Many people have been injected or force-fed with many kinds of drugs that damage the central nervous system. They have also been tortured with electric shock, tied up for lon...
  • WOIPFG Statement Regarding the Terrorist Act of of Shooting Falun Gong Practitioners in South AfricaJune 29, 2004
    According to news reports published on Clearwisdom Net ( and by THE Falun Dafa Information Center (, on Monday, June 28, 2004, at 8:30 p.m. local time in South Africa, nine Falun Gong practitioners from Australia arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa, preparing to conduct A peaceful appeal during China's Vice President Zeng Qinghong's visit to South Africa, and to seek legal procedures to stop the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. While they were heading in two cars for the Presidential Guest House in Pretoria, t...
  • Practitioners Tortured to Death in Guandong ProvinceAugust 24, 2004
    Appendix I: Practitioners Who Have Been Tortured to Death in Guandong Province Hong, Haoyuan(28,Chaozhou) Lai Zhijun(50,Dongguan) Zheng, Huabing(19,EnPing) Chen Liwen(63,Gaozhou) Huang Yaoying(68,Gaozhou) Chen Chengyong(35,Guangzhou) Gao Xianmin(41,Guangzhou) Hao Runjuan(28,Guangzhou) Li, Xiaojin(33,Guangzhou) Liu Shaobo(Guangzhou) Luo, Zhixiang(28,Guangzhou) Practitioner(Guangzhou) ...
  • Establishment of the China Mental Health WatchAugust 24, 2004
    Announcing the Establishment of the China Mental Health Watch, part of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong On November 21, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. a press conference was held to announce the establishment of China Mental Health Watch. China Mental Health Watch (CMHW) is a new international non-governmental organization mainly composed of mental health professionals, lawyers, and victims of the persecution, their families and friends. As part of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFLG), the mission of CMHW is t...
  • Psychiatric Abuse in China II (newsletter)August 24, 2004
    World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

 Phone:1-347-448-5790;Fax:1-347-402-1444; Mailing address:PO.Box 84, New york, NY 10116
  • Psychiatric Abuse in China I (newsletter)August 24, 2004
    World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

 Phone:1-347-448-5790;Fax:1-347-402-1444; Mailing address:PO.Box 84, New york, NY 10116