To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society.

New report

  • Investigative Report on the Control of Overseas Chinese and the Implementation of Global United Front Strategy by the Chinese Communist RegimeApril 24, 2008
    Prologue1. Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s Global United Front Strategy1.1 Chinese Communist leaders on "United Front"1.2 Strategy change from the "world revolution" to the "patriotic united front" across the borders2. Chinese Communist Party's Overseas Forces in Action2.1 CCP's Overseas "Underground" Party Organizational Activities2.2 Using Public Funds for Training Leaders of Overseas Chinese, Joint Activities and Summer Camps for Overseas Young Chinese2.2.1 Overseas Chinese Leaders" Training Cla...
  • Chinese Consulate in New York Orchestrated Hate Crime against Quit-CCP CenterJune 19, 2008
    Recorded Phone Investigation by WOIPFG Reveals Chinese Consulate in New York Orchestrated Hate Crime Against Falun Gong, Surrounding and Attacking the Quit-CCP Center's Activities in Flushing, New York (Download record:MP3) On May 17, 2008, a rally held by the Quit-CCP Service Center in Flushing, New York met with vicious verbal and physical attacks (from a group of Chinese people). In the following days, the daily operations at the same service center faced similar assaults. [World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) immediately ...
  • Investigative Report on CSSA Acting as CCP Oversea AgentJune 22, 2007
    Introduction Chinese Student and Scholar Association (CSSA) comprises students and scholars from mainland China, who study and work in universities around the world. As early as year 2000, CSSA exists in at least 12 countries. In the U.S. alone, there are at least 109 such associations. [1] According to China Scholars Abroad, an official website created by Chinese government, there are more than 60 CSSAs in the U.S. [2] However, the real number is far larger. For example, only CSSA-UK is listed for Great Britain [3], but there are at least 71 CSSAs in all parts of United Ki...
  • Investigative Report on Clandestine Operations of Organ Harvesting from Live Falun Gong PractitionerJuly 25, 2007
    The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has made significant progress recently on the investigation of clandestine operations of harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. The investigation further confirmed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Regime had been harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China. Detained Falun Gong practitioners, who went to appeal but didn"t give out their names, were primary targets of this systematic killing. The aforementioned crime reached its peak around 2003 and ...
  • New Report from WOIPFG: Overseas Chinese Student Groups Actively Spying for the Chinese ConsulateJuly 4, 2007
    NEW YORK (June 29, 2007)—The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) released an investigative report today, providing strong evidence that the Chinese Student and Scholar Associations (CSSAs) in many overseas schools are directly controlled by Chinese consulates to suppress independent groups and extend communist control overseas. The report, titled Investigation into the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the U.S. Controlling CSSAs to Export the Communist Party's Policy of Human Rights Violation, lists specific cases showi...
  • WOIPFG Publishes Phone Investigation Records with NYU and Columbia University CSSA OfficersJuly 2, 2007
    Recently, WOIPFG has continuously published two investigative reports, providing proofs that under the control of the Chinese embassies and consulates, Chinese Student and Scholar Association (CSSA) has become a tool of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) abroad, a tool of exporting CCP's human right violation policy in particular. In our investigation, we specifically targeted CSSA presidents of New York University (NYU) and Columbia University (CU), as well as the consul from the Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in New York. Our findings were not included...
  • How China’s Diplomatic Missions Control and Use Overseas Chinese studentsJuly 25, 2007
    Investigation Report: Studying Abroad Under the Communist Party—How China's Diplomatic Missions Control and Use Overseas Chinese students "It is said that each CSSA chapter is a non-political organization, but each is in fact very much politically oriented, and necessarily so. The Consulate provides funding and resources to each CSSA, which amounts to tremendous assistance, for this resolves all financial worries the student organization might otherwise have. However, our sense is that the Consulate exercises influence in still other, more significant, man...
  • Investigation on Chinese Embassy and Consulates in US Controlling CSSAs to Export CCP's Human Right Violation PolicyJune 10, 2007
    New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), with its headquarter in New York City (NYC), will host International Chinese Classical Dance Competition (NTDTV's Dance Competition, for short below) in New York University from July 6 to 8 in 2007. [1] Due to the independent and outspoken nature of NTDTV, as well as its long-term focus on human right issue in China, including the persecution of Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spared no effort to suppress NTDTV's event again. On April 25, 2007, the China Net published a letter of Chinese Anti-Cult Association to Chinese Dan...
  • Testimonial of HeLizhiMarch 9, 2007
    WITNESS TESTIMONIALS: CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY"S USE OF CCTV PROPAGANDA MATERIAL AS PART OF FORCED CONVERSION AND BRAINWASHING IN DETENTION FACILITIES IN CHINA 1. 中共电视是精神虐杀工具 Television controlled by the Chinese Communist Party is a tool of mental assassination. 2. 在监狱里,我被警察用几十万伏的电棍疯狂的电击过,但是那种极端受污辱和蹂躏、让人伤痛如此久的,却是在监狱里每次被强迫看诬蔑法轮功的电视内容,中央电视台制作的东西。 I have been tortured by guards savagely using electric batons discharging several hundred kilovolts on my body in the prison. Yet the most extreme humiliation and devastation that caused ...
  • Investigation on CCP Persecuting People Spreading the Nine CommentariesOctober 3, 2006
    Since November 19, 2004, The Epoch Times has consecutively published a series of editorials entitled "Nine Commentaries on Communist Party" (Nine Commentaries, for short below). The editorials and its impact, including over 13 million people so far renounce the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and related organizations, has endangered CCP to the greatest extend since the party's establishment and coming to power. In response, CCP controlled oversea media and websites to deprecate and question the Nine Commentaries and the consequent "Quit CCP" wave, while sup...