To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society.

New report

  • CCP's Central Committee's Propaganda Department Is the Media Control Center in the Persecution of Falun GongJune 30, 2005, modified on August 14, 2005
    Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was established, it has used media propaganda as a major weapon in seizing and consolidating power. Media propaganda is at least as important as the military campaign. In CCP's history, the former has been referred to as the "literature weapon" and the latter the "military weapon." Media propaganda under the CCP control is exactly the opposite of what it is commonly understood as media in the international arena. Mainland Chinese media has never been the real news media. Instead, it is a totalitarian propaganda tool contro...
  • Investigative Report: How Jiang's Regime Appropriated China's Capital and Foreign Investment Funds to Persecute Falun GongMay 7, 2005
    Preface Before World War II, when Hitler came into power and started to control and manipulate Germany's economic lifelines, the economy of Nazi Germany demonstrated explosive growth, which many called the "miracle of the twentieth century." Foreign investment in Germany accelerated. Attracted by the cheap labor, some foreign-owned manufacturing bases in Germany used the forced labor of Jewish people in the concentration camps to achieve high profitability. Foreign investment not only secured Hitler's dictatorship, but also fueled the economy of Nazi Germany...
  • Investigative Report on the Role of CCP in the Eutelsat Termination of NTDTV Broadcast (I)April 7, 2005
    Background New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) is an independent, nonprofit Chinese language TV broadcaster established by overseas Chinese with headquarters in New York City. NTDTV began broadcasting via satellite in North America in February 2002 and extended its 24/7 simulcast programming to cover Asia, Europe, and Australia in July 2003. The signal into Asia including Mainland China is transmitted via W5 satellite owned by the European Telecommunication Satellite operator Eutelsat, headquartered in Paris, France [1]. However, Eutelsat recently decided to unilaterally terminate NTDTV ...
  • Investigative Report on the Main Officials in Hubei ProvinceJanuary 16, 2005
    Investigative Report on the Main Officials in Hubei Province Who Actively Participated in the Persecution of Falun Gong Preface Some Chinese Communist Party (CCP) government officials in Hubei Province follow the Jiang regime to persecute Falun Gong. The persecution methods towards Falun Gong practitioners include illegal detention, home ransack, forced labor, forced feeding, torture, forced brainwashing, excessive labor, etc. According to information from Minghui Net [1], as of January 16, 2005, at least 64 Falun Gong practitioners were confirmed to have died as a result o...
  • Investigative Report on the "610 Office"--Sichuan ProvinceJanuary 13, 2005
    Investigative Report on the Participation of Officials of Sichuan CCP Committee and Government in the Persecution of Falun Gong Introduction Since July 20, 1999, some officials in CCP committee (CCPC) of Sichuan Province and Sichuan Provincial Government have been following Jiang Zemin's regime to persecute Falun Gong. They have resorted to inhumane methods to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in Sichuan province, including brainwashing by means of violent tortures, searching practitioners" houses and confiscating their properties, detaining practitioners illeg...
  • Party and Government Officials Involvement in Persecuting Falun Gong in Wuhan City, Hubei ProvinceJanuary 30, 2005
    Investigative Report on Party and Government Officials Involvement in Persecuting Falun Gong in Wuhan City, Hubei Province Introduction Some Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and government officials in Wuhan City, Hubei Province followed Jiang Zemin's group in persecuting Falun Gong since July 20, 1999. They illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners, ransacked their homes, sent them to forced labor camps, and force-fed, tortured and brainwashed them, and forced them to do slave labors. Up until January 27, 2005, according to statistics on, ...
  • Media in Mainland China, Mouthpieces for the Chinese Communist PartyJanuary 28, 2005
    Media in Mainland China, Mouthpieces for the Chinese Communist Party (January 28, 2005) (Abbreviations used in this report, CCP: Chinese Communist Party; CCCCP: Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party) Outline Completely contrary to the popular belief regarding media in the West, the media controlled by the CCP are entirely propaganda tools and have never functioned as news reporting agencies. The CCP directly rules China or indirectly through controlling administrative bodies. The first type is day-to-day functions, which are carried out by controll...
  • Investigative Report on Brainwashing Classes and Brainwashing MethodsOctober 9, 2004
    I: Nationwide Brainwashing Classes 1. Nationwide Brainwashing Classes Spread at Provincial, Municipal, County and Township Level Brainwashing is a unique method the Chinese Communist Party ("CCP") uses for persecution and mind control purposes. It has been used to an extreme extend in the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong practitioners that has lasted for more than 5 years. Numerous brainwashing classes have been established across the country, in an effort to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their beliefs. These brainwashing classes are disguised under ...
  • Video: Introduction of WOIPFGDecember 5, 2004
    Watch the video on-line(256k) Watch the video on-line(56k) Download MPEG file World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Tel:1-347-448-5790;Fax:1-347-402-1444; Mail Address:P.O. Box 84, New york, NY 10116 Website:, Chinese version:
  • Wuhan TV Station President Zhao Zhizhen Participating in the Persecution of Falun GongJuly 15, 2004
    In June 1999, when Jiang Zemin's regime was secretly planning the persecution of Falun Gong, directly under Zhao Zhizhen, Wuhan TV Station's program series The Light of Science and Technology sent their staff to Changchun City to shoot a special topic film entitled About Li Hongzhi (Zhao's Film, in short). This TV program was shown nationwide again and again by the China Central Television (CCTV) two days after the persecution of Falun Gong formally started on July 20, 1999, namely July 22. It was the only anti-Falun Gong TV program at that time, and has become the most imp...