To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society.

New report

  • WOIPFG Releases of Medical Personnel in Other Hospitals in Nanjing Military Command, PLA - Sec.6October 28, 2014
    Medical personnel from military and armed police force hospitals involved in organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners include but are not limited to: doctors specializing in organ extraction and transplantation, nurses, and anesthetists.Fundamental medical ethics and international regulations on organ transplant maintain that these medical personnel, prior to presenting credible and reliable evidence that could repudiate the aforementioned allegations, are seen as either suspects or material witnesses of crimes of genocide and murder.WOIPFG is conducting a comp...
  • Chapter Nine:The CCP's History of Killing is Against Human Nature and ConscienceNovember 18, 2015
    Summary: We've reviewed the CCP's history of killing that includes live organ harvesting. The CCP harvested organs from both death row inmates and other people in the past for the sole purpose of maintaining its rule or for the health of its high-ranking officials. Falun Dafa practitioners have their organs harvested on a large scale, because the suppression provides the CCP with a larger number of higher-quality and healthier organs from a group of "donors", whose human rights are not protected. The CCP has always resorted to the practice of genocide, ...
  • WOIPFG Releases of Medical Personnel in Other Hospitals in Beijing Military Command, PLA - Sec.5October 28, 2014
    Medical personnel from military and armed police force hospitals involved in organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners include but are not limited to: doctors specializing in organ extraction and transplantation, nurses, and anesthetists.Fundamental medical ethics and international regulations on organ transplant maintain that these medical personnel, prior to presenting credible and reliable evidence that could repudiate the aforementioned allegations, are seen as either suspects or material witnesses of crimes of genocide and murder.WOIPFG is conducting a comp...
  • WOIPFG Releases of Medical Personnel in General Hospitals in All Military Command Regions of PLA - Sec.4Octorber 28, 2014
    Medical personnel from military and armed police force hospitals involved in organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners include but are not limited to: doctors specializing in organ extraction and transplantation, nurses, and anesthetists.Fundamental medical ethics and international regulations on organ transplant maintain that these medical personnel, prior to presenting credible and reliable evidence that could repudiate the aforementioned allegations, are seen as either suspects or material witnesses of crimes of genocide and murder.WOIPFG is conducting a ...
  • Latest Report from the WOIPFG: Falun Dafa Practitioners are Still Being Killed for OrgansAugust 24, 2015
    Between March 2014 and September 2014, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has made phone calls and spoke with more than 1,000 transplant surgeons in 30 provinces and direct-controlled municipalities in China. The results show that:1. Almost all hospitals capable of performing transplant surgeriesacross China are still actively recruiting patients, indicating that there is ample supply of donor organs. Many doctors promised to procure young, healthyand high-quality organs with waittime as short as one to four weeks. 2. ...
  • The WOIPFG: Zhang Gaoli Confirms that the Number of Falun Dafa Practitioners Murdered by Live Organ Harvesting has Reached MillionsAugust 24, 2015
    On June 24, 2015, an investigator with the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), by assuming the identity of a secretary at Jiang Zemin's Office, conducted a phone investigation on the CCP's State Council Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, who was on a visit in Kazakhstan, regarding Jiang Zemin's crime of issuing orders to harvest millions of live Falun Dafa practitioners" organs.
  • WOIPFG Releases of Medical Personnel in Military Hospitals Affiliated to Military Universities - Sec.3October 28, 2014
    Medical personnel from military and armed police force hospitals involved in organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners include but are not limited to: doctors specializing in organ extraction and transplantation, nurses, and anesthetists. Fundamental medical ethics and international regulations on organ transplant maintain that these medical personnel, prior to presenting credible and reliable evidence that could repudiate the aforementioned allegations, are seen as either suspects or material witnesses of crimes of genocide and murder. WOIPFG is conducting a comprehensive ...
  • Chapter Eight: The CCP’s Lies about Organ Transplants November 18, 2015
    Summary: This chapter systematically reviews the series of means adopted by the CCP over more than a decade, in order to cover up its crimes of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners: from denying the use of organs from executed prisoners, to exposing it as a more palatable scandal of live organ harvesting from death row prisoners, to deleting and tampering online information, to hyping up organ donations in China, and finally to blaming the entire organ harvesting issue on Zhou Yongkang.Since 2006, in the face of accusations by the international community of ...
  • Chapter Seven:Evidence of Falun Gong Practitioners Being Murdered in Other WaysNovember 18, 2015
    Summary: This chapter explains the various methods, in which the CCP has been murdering Falun Gong practitioners and treating their bodies as a type of multi-use resource.ContentsI. Live Human Experiments 1. Jinzhou City Public Security Bureau's On-Site Psychology Research Center 2. Research on Killing People By Causing A Primary Brain-Stem Injury Through The Use of A "Collision Machine"II. China has become the Largest Country for Exporting Plastinated Human Body SpecimensIII. Many Hospitals Use "Fresh Corpses" ...
  • Chapter Six :New Evidence Confirms the Live Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong is Proceeding at a Relatively Constant Rate. In Certain Hospitals it is IncreasingNovember 18, 2015
    Summary: In the last chapter, we made revisions to the liver and kidney transplant data for 712 hospitals. This is because we noticed the discrepancies in official data from reports in China and the fact that some data were never updated. So we revised our report with a focus on transplant data in different time frames. We noticed that the highest number of transplants reported in each hospital's public announcement was only 200-300 per year. However, with further investigation, we found that these were fabricated and manipulated data and were meant to cover up the ...