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… WOIPFG Announcement to Investigate Members of the "Hong Kong Youth Care Association" …
As a Hong Kong-based organization within the Chinese Communist Party's "cult association" system, since June 2012, the Hong Kong Youth Care Association Limited ("the Association") has been recruiting followers of the Chinese Communist Party in both Hong Kong and mainland China. In Hong Kong, the Association disregards the local laws and regulations and blatantly harasses Falun Gong practitioners, the local residents and tourists. A number of the Association's members have allegedly been involved in cases of personal attacks and intentional injury. The ...
… The Investigative Report on the “Hong Kong Youth Care Association” by World Organization to Investigate …
The “Hong Kong Youth Care Association” (HKYCA) is one Hong Kong-based agency of the “610” system, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) institution for the persecution of Falun Gong. Around Hong Kong’s downtown area, where Falun Gong practitioners have been clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to the public, some HKYCA members flagrantly pretend to be Falun Gong practitioners, set up a large-scale mock mourning halls and insult Falun Gong and its founder in extremely abominable manners. WOIPFG strongly condemns these incidents and sternly warns.