To investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore and uphold justice in society.

Announcement from WOIPFG: Comprehensive Collection of Lists of CCP Perpetrators and Their Criminal Evidence

Sep 5, 2024

Since 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has wielded its entire state machinery to conduct a genocidal persecution against estimated one hundred million Falun Gong practitioners. This campaign of terror has persisted for 25 years and continues unabated to this day.

This persecution has taken many forms: on one hand, the CCP has enforced brainwashing and coercing practitioners to renounce their faith in Falun Dafa; for those who refuse, it has resorted to abduction, arbitrary sentencing, torture, and even large-scale organ harvesting from living practitioners—a crime described as "a form of evil that this planet has never seen." These actions constitute crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity. On the other hand, the CCP has smeared, vilified, and demonized Falun Gong through it’s global propaganda poisonso many The communist regime has even deployed a vast network of spies to infiltrate and extend its persecution beyond China's borders. The true aim of this campaign is to destroy humanity's moral conscience and ultimately lead mankind toward ruin.

According to long-term investigations by WOIPFG's global monitoring system, many suspects involved in these crimes are traveling abroad, relocating to Western countries, or moving their families and illicit assets abroad. They are not only paving escape routes for themselves but are also infiltrating and undermining the fabric of international society.

We call upon all individuals of conscience worldwide to take immediate action: collect and report lists of CCP perpetrators and their crimes against Falun Gong to WOIPFG. This will provide evidence for the forthcoming grand trial that will bring them to justice. Time is of the essence! This is not merely about punishing these heinous acts but about preserving the last remnants of human moral conscience!

The specific content of monitoring, tracking, and collecting evidence regarding CCP perpetrators, both domestically and abroad, include:

1. List with Evidence of Organ Harvesting Perpetrators

This includes, and is not limited to, those who directly harvested organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, CCP officials at all levels with direct responsibility, and individuals within military and police systems who participated in the persecution of Falun Gong.

As post WWII Nuremberg Tribunals and laws established later criminalizing genocide and crimes against humanity established, not just those who performed actual organ harvesting from a living Falun Gong practitioner as part of plan of eradication of Falun Gong but also all those who reasonably had knowledge of and took part in enabling such acts, all organizations governmental or non are liable. Ultimately, all will be held accountable for their personal roles. Any individual who directly participated in the work of these organ transplant institutions is considered a suspect and bears responsibility. This includes hospital directors overseeing transplants, transplant department heads, surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, CCP Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC) and 610 Office officials directing operations, and police responsible for detaining victims. WOIPFG's website also lists implicated units and primary evidence of these crimes for public reference.

2. List and Evidence of PLAC and "610 Office" System

The PLAC system encompasses the Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate, Courts, Justice Departments, and State Security. Their persecution is not a matter of enforcing laws, but of direct obedience to the arbitrary commands of the CCP committees at various levels which have a power to establish conditions necessary for persecuting Falun Gong domestically as well as extending CCP’s reach to other countries subverting their sovereignty and laws. 

On June 10, 1999, to bypass the Constitution and existing legal procedures, then CCP leader Jiang Zemin personally ordered the establishment of a specialized body—the "610 Office"—tasked exclusively with suppression of Falun Gong. From the central government down, "610 Offices" are embedded in cities, villages, institutions, and schools nationwide. The organizational structure, jurisdictional authority, operational procedures, and funding of the "610 Office" deviate from the existing framework of the CCP and the Chinese government. It operates with powers and resources beyond the Chinese Constitution and laws. As this office controls all affairs related to Falun Gong, it has become Jiang Zemin's personal command and enforcement system for the persecution. This extralegal entity resembles the Nazi time SS and China's Cultural Revolution "Central Cultural Revolution Group" in nature. Due to its unique role, the "610 Office" bears principal responsibility for widespread crimes such as death, mutilation, torture, forced labor, arbitrary detention,  sentencing, and fines.

3. List and Evidence of CCP Overseas Spies and Related Perpetrators

The Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of State Security of China have established an interdepartmental "Joint Office for Cracking Down on Falun Gong." This office has administrative branches, known as "Operation Offices"in major regions and countries worldwide, specializing in exporting rain of terror on Falun Gong. One of these, tasked with North America, is the "North America Operation Office." The head of this office as of March 30, 2021, was Xiu-hua Wu, male, born August 25, 1966.

These actions blatantly violate human rights, breach international norms, and are embedding CCP's violent influence abroad. This constitutes a severe infringement upon human dignity, a gross violation to sovereignty of the U.S.  as well as other nations, and is  a mockery of modern civilization.

Collect the names and evidence of CCP perpetrators and promptly report information on their o international travel, their relatives abroad, and the hidden  assets. This information will be used for future sanctions, including asset freeze, compensation claims, and comprehensive accountability for their families' complicity in these crimes. This will deliver an all-encompassing deterrence and sanction, leaving evil with no place to hide!

4. Lists of other CCP overseas agents, their reach and crime 

To serve its global strategy the CCP uses state resources to strictly control the overseas Chinese that have settled in other countries and its overseas students, and directly cultivate and establish the CCP forces in the internal systems of other countries. Through ideological penetration and subversion, the CCP has established huge organizations and vast communities under its control in many countries of the world, forming “a state within a state”. This infiltration of sovereign countries is unprecedented with frightening scale and depth. As the CCP's penetration threatens and harms targeted countries and the Chinese people living in them, relevant government departments of various countries have begun to be alert. 

5. Specific content to report and points to note

Collect the list of CCP criminals and their criminal evidence both in China and overseas, and timely report them to WOIPFG. The information of these individuals in foreign countries or their travels abroad, as well as the personal information of their overseas relatives.

In the report, please indicate the names, gender, age, duties and main characteristics of the individuals (preferably with photos) involved in the CCP’s persecution and their relatives; the addresses in the country or the city they have settled in, already have or will visit; the time and reasons of visit; information such as overseas assets obtained through illicit channels business activities, as well as   illicit and hidden property. All of these will be the basis for future economic sanctions, including freezing of funds, compensation, and a comprehensive penalty for the accomplice roles their families have played, thus serving deterrent and sanctions in all aspects, so that the evil has no way to escape!

Please send such information to the report address   provided on WOIPFG website, directly or through other reliable channels such as 

 WOIPFG will coordinate with government agencies, relevant law enforcement departments, and human rights organizations worldwide based on the information received, and if necessary, pursue legal action against the implicated individuals. Depending on the situation, the family members of these perpetrators may face asset seizure, immigration status revocation, or even deportation. This serves not only as a punishment for the perpetrators but also as a warning to those still committing these crimes.

A historic grand trial is on the horizon—the trial of the CCP's genocide against Falun Gong! We warn those involved in the persecution of Falun Gong: the CCP is disintegrating, and a comprehensive reckoning is imminent. Persecuting Falun Gong constitutes genocide and crimes against humanity! Following orders is no excuse for immunity; all participants will be held personally accountable. Confessing, exposing the truth, and striving to atone for your crimes is your only way out!

Our principle is: Those who commit the crime bear the responsibility; collective or organizational crimes are borne by individuals; incitement to persecute is as culpable as direct persecution. Under this principle, all crimes committed under the name of any organization, unit, or system will ultimately fall upon the individuals responsible. All those accountable for persecuting Falun Gong will be thoroughly investigated and brought to justice.

WOIPFG remains steadfast in its mission to investigate all crimes against Falun Gong, including related institutions, organizations, and individuals, regardless of their location or the time elapsed. Justice will be served, and righteousness will be upheld. This is our commitment to the international community, and we will never relent.


World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

Phone: 347-448-5790; Fax: 347-402-1444  

Mail: P.O. Box 84, New York, NY, 10116 USA  

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