The Chinese Communist Party is a Demon that Imperils Humanity
Ladies and gentlemen:
Greetings, everybody!
On behalf of World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG),
I am here to commemorate the great date of April 25th, and to congratulate over 270 million people, who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations!
It has been proven by facts that through all of recorded history, the CCP is the most vile and heinous state-run super crime syndicate. The CCP is a demon that jeopardizes humanity! During peacetime, a political party would actually murder one nation’s people on a massive scale across the whole country, in the form of live organ harvesting for exorbitant profits, and with the employment of the entire state apparatus. Are these human actions? No, they are done by the devils, the twisted devils – demons! The CCP is a demon that imperils humanity! Having any illusions about the CCP is committing a crime. The CCP’s disintegration is the real way out for mankind.
In recent years, WOIPFG has published more than 70 investigative reports and produced two TV documentaries, “Harvested Alive – The Ten Year Investigation” and
“Ironclad and Irrefutable Evidence”, from which we can clearly see that:
I. The live organ harvesting is the CCP’s state crime of genocide initiated by Jiang Zemin
Since July 20, 1999, the CCP crime syndicate, led by its former party boss Jiang Zemin, has been carrying out a nationwide genocide against Falun Gong practitioners, in the form of live organ harvesting and other crimes, by manipulating China’s entire state machine, including the military, the armed police forces, the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, the judicial system and the medical institutions. Such evil crimes started to take place in early 2000, and are still ongoing at present.
II. There exist live organ banks composed of an enormous number of people in China
Since 1999, in China, the number of organ transplants has grown by several hundred times or even a thousand times. The organ transplant wait times are merely small percentages of those in the United States. The percentage of emergency liver transplant surgeries in China can even reach as high as 26.6% of the total number of liver transplants. What does this strange phenomenon indicate? It indicates that there are a large number of live humans, who can be slaughtered at any time for their organs, in mainland China. That is, there exist many hidden live organ banks with an enormous number of people in them.
According to the whistle-blowing by many parties and our own investigation, it has been proven that this kind of organ banks composed of a massive number of live humans indeed exist, and they are still operating to this day.
III. The number of people, who have been organ harvested alive, is enormous and in the millions or even larger
Since this is a state crime ordered by the former party boss and committed by the CCP, which has several decades of experiences in murdering people, with the participation of all the state institutions and the support of concentration camp-style live organ donor banks across China, this live organ harvesting massacre, which has led to an explosive growth in the number of organ transplants in China, started to take place! Therefore, the number of people murdered by organ harvesting is enormous and beyond the human imagination.
According to WOIPFG’s investigation, among the CCP’s organ transplant hospitals, there are 96 hospitals, whose annual organ transplant volumes are between 2,000 and 3,000 cases. For these 96 hospitals alone, in more than a decade, their combined organ transplant volume would be more than 1 million. And in China, 891 hospitals and 9,519 surgeons are suspected of having participated in live organ harvesting.
We can only imagine how large the number of people murdered by live organ harvesting truly is.
IV. Live organ harvesting has spread to a wider scope
Currently, the crime of live organ harvesting has been extended to the wider public. For instance, in 2013, Bin Bin, a six-year-old boy in Shanxi Province, had his eyes brutally scooped out. When he later woke up in the hospital, the first sentence he uttered was, “How come the dawn still doesn’t break?” It has become the most heartbreaking remark in the present age. Various types of cases have been exposed in an endless stream, such as the forced organ harvesting of a Christian man named Peng Ming, as well as the suspected kill-on-demand case of Nie Shubin. This suggests that the CCP’s organ harvesting has become a crime plaguing the entire society.
The CCP has turned humans into devils and the Chinese society into hell. Living in such a society, who can remain safe?
V. Remaining silent in the face of the CCP’s evil crimes or having any illusory hope for the CCP is committing a crime. The CCP’s disintegration is the real way out for mankind
In light of the evil CCP organization’s rampant corruption and perpetration of all forms of evil, without putting an end to the persecution, punishing the prime culprit Jiang Zemin or disintegrating the CCP, there would be no way out for the Chinese people. The CCP is the source of all evils and the largest and most vicious organization on the planet. The disintegration of the CCP is the only real way out for the Chinese nation. Do not be confused by the CCP’s scams, and do not have any illusory hope for the CCP.
The CCP’s crimes in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, especially its crime of live organ harvesting, have long started the count-down of its own disintegration. The CCP’s disintegration is the divine’s will, people’s aspiration and a historical inevitability!
WOIPFG hereby calls on every person of righteousness and conscience
To help us monitor and track all the mainland Chinese people, who have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, including but not limited to the murderers (such as policemen, organ transplant surgeons and organ brokers, etc.) that have live harvested Falun Gong practitioners’ organs, as well as the CCP officials at all levels, who are directly responsible for the persecution. Please collect and report promptly to WOIPFG the information on these people’s visits to foreign countries, the situation regarding their family members and relatives living abroad and their overseas assets. Let’s work together to complete the grand historic trial of the CCP!
We hereby warn those who have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong: The CCP is heading towards its dissolution, and the entire CCP organization will face legal trials for every single crime it has committed. The persecution of Falun Gong is a crime of genocide and crime against humanity! No one can be exempted by resorting to the excuse that he or she was following the orders from above. All those involved in the persecution will be held personally accountable. Moreover, the investigation and punishment of these culprits has no borders and is under the common jurisdiction of all mankind. Your only way out is to turn yourself in and confess, to expose the evil and to make efforts to perform merits to atone for your crimes!
As a member of the human society, it is our responsibility to live up to the promise of “Never Again.” WOIPFG will continue to investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong, to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and extensively we have to search, to full closure, to exercise fundamental principles of humanity, and to restore and uphold justice in society. This is WOIPFG’s promise to the international community. We shall never give up.
Thank you, everyone, for your support!
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
Tel: 1-347-448-5790; Fax: 1-347-402-1444
Mailing address: P.O. Box 84, New York, NY 10116, USA