Collection of Evidence of Live Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party
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Part I. Telephone Investigations
From these audio recordings, people can hear:
- Investigative Audio Recording 1:Bai Shuzhong, former Minister of Health for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Logistics Department, admitted that Jiang Zemin Ordered the Harvesting of Organs from Falun Gong Practitioners for Transplantation.
- Investigative Audio Recording 4: Kidney broker representative for People's Liberation Army (PLA) No. 307 Hospital in Beijing emphasizes officials, police and prison operation of the trade of organ from Falun Gong practitioner is like a supply line and they can also provide information that confirms that the supplied organs come from Falun Gong practitioners [2]
- Investigative Audio Recording 9, Doctor of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University in Shanghai says: “What we have here is all this type.” [6]
- Investigative Audio Recording 10: Doctor of The Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University in Shanghai says: “ The organs are all from live persons, donors are all alive.” [6]
Part II. Relevant parts of the Investigative Reports
- Evidence of Live Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners Collected from Chinese Medical Papers
- Investigative Report on the Role of Chinese Military & Armed Police Hospitals in Live Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners
- Investigative Report: China’s Public Security Bureau’s On-site Psychology Research Center Implicated in Live Organ Harvesting on Falun Gong Practitioners [9]
- Figures from the Central Government about the number of organ tranplants show the brutal fact of genocide
Part III. WOIPFG Evidence Analyzing Chart about Organ Harvesting from Live Falun Gong Practitioners
Part IV. WOIPFG Location of Phone Conversation Chart on Organ Harvesting of Live Falun Gong Practitioners.
Since March 9, 2006, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has collected a large amount of evidence from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Political and Legislative Affairs Committee, and organ transplant centers and hospitals of military, armed police, and local government in 30 provinces, metropolitan cities, and autonomous regions in Mainland China. These pieces of evidence collectively confirm that the CCP has been harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners and experimenting on live human bodies.
Moreover, this evidence reveals the disturbing fact that the CCP’s organ harvesting practices of live Falun Gong practitioners are not individual, isolated, occasional murder-for-money cases. Rather, they are widespread, state-orchestrated, systematic mass-killing and genocide across the whole country, plotted directly from the highest-level Communist leaders, including Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang.
Orchestrated and protected by top government and party officials, members of the judiciary, military, armed police and medical institutions have been involved and implicated in these crimes. The crime sites of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners are primarily the military- and police-owned hospitals and organ transplant centers.
WOIPFG obtained evidence that indicate that the committed crimes involve related hospitals and transplant centers in at least 23 provinces, cities and autonomous regions: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Guangxi, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Xinjiang.
This evidence taken together provides a picture that is consistent and compelling. The way the parts all fit together reveals a systematic crime that enables us to understand the nature and extent of its evil. These crimes are outside the scope of normal human thinking.
The atrocities, which began in 2000 and continue today, must be stopped immediately. The WOIPFG urges the international community to help end the genocide and bring the criminals to justice.
The report contains 21 telephone investigations and selected investigative reports.
Part I. Telephone Investigations
From these audio recordings, people can hear:
- Bai Shuzhong, former Minister of Health for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Logistics Department, admitted that Jiang Zemin, former Chinese Communist Party Chief, had “instructed” the harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners’ organs for transplantation.
- Former Minister of National Defense, Liang Guanglie admitted that the Central Military Commission held meetings to discuss the issues about Falun Gong practitioners detained by the military and that the military hospitals were involved.
- Someone who served as an armed police guard on the site of organ harvesting from a Falun Gong practitioner and witnessed the whole process of organ harvesting from a live Falun Gong practitioner
- kidney broker representative for People's Liberation Army (PLA) No. 307 Hospital in Beijing emphasizing officials, police and prison operation of the trading of organs from Falun Gong practitioners is like a supply line and they can also provide information that confirms that the supplied organs come from Falun Gong practitioners
- Police from the first division of criminal law at the Intermediate People's Court of Jinzhou clearly show that organs of Falun Gong practitioners are available if the condition of the price is good.
- Chief of Urology Chen Rongshan from the PLA (People's Liberation Army) 205 hospital emphasized that Falun Gong practitioners’ organs come from courts. He repeatedly assures that he will not disclose the secret of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
- From the head doctor of Organ Transplant Center from Beijing, Tianjin, to organ transplant hospitals’ doctors from Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangxi, from north to south across the country, they all have admitted bluntly to the use of Falun Gong practitioners as organ donor, and also that organ transplant surgery can be implemented in 1-2 weeks. A doctor answers a question asked by a patient in Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital: "Are there any organs from Falun Gong practitioners?..." Answer : " What we have here is all this type";
- Beijing Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) employee whose family name is Li answers the question of WOIPFG investigator about organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practtioners which is a state top secret. “Above bureau-director level they know about this state secret.”
- An official of the "610 Office" confirms to WOIPFG investigator that 610 is a criminal organization, “Gu Kalai was selling organs of Falun Gong.” Gu Kalai traded cadavers and “they are not just from Falun Gong practitioners."
- Finally, Li Changchun, propaganda chief of the CCP, speaks about the matter of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners. Li Changchun said: “Zhou Yongkang is in charge of this specifically. He knows it.”
Investigative Audio Recording 1: Bai Shuzhong, former Minister of Health for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Logistics Department, admitted that Jiang Zemin Ordered the Harvesting of Organs from Falun Gong Practitioners for Transplantation.
In September 2014, WOIPFG investigated Bai Shuzhong, former Minister of Health for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Logistics Department. The investigation focused on the Chinese military’s involvement in the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. During the investigation, Bai Shuzhong admitted that Jiang Zemin, former Chinese Communist Party Chief, had “instructed” the harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners’ organs for transplantation. Bai said in a telephone investigation, “Back then it was Chairman Jiang … there was an order, a sort of instruction, that said to carry out such things, organ transplantation. … Because back then after Chairman Jiang issued the order, we all did a lot of anti-Falun Gong work …” “….that is to say, it was not just the military who was doing kidney transplants ….”
This investigation result directly points to Jiang Zemin, who ordered to harvest organs from Falun Gong practitioners. This is genocide implemented by Jiang Zemin and other high ranking CCP officials. This is genocide carried out by the CCP controlled state apparatus. This genocide takes the form of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. Under the secret protection of the CCP, Chinese judicial system, military, arm police forces and local hospitals colluded in this Crime against Humanity and Crime of Genocide.
Telephone Investigation Transcript:
(Download MP3 MP3 )
A – Bai Shuzhong, former Minister of Health for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Logistics Department
B – WOIPFG investigator
A: Hello?
B: Hello, is this Bai Shuzhong, former Minister of the PLA General Logistics Department Minister of Health?
A: ah, who are you?
B: …, we would like to ask you some information,
A: you are
B: ah?
A: Whenever, about what? you (can) talk,
B: this is the situation, when you were the Minister of Health for the PLA General Logistics Department, regarding taking organs from captive Falun Gong people for transplantation, was it an order from Wang Ke, then director of the PLA General Logistics Department? Or did it directly come from the Central Military Commission?
A: back then, it was Chairman Jiang
B: hmm
A: There was an order, a sort of instruction, that said
B: hmm
A: said to carry out this thing, that is organ transplantation
B: hmm
A: later, Chairman Jiang, (I) heard there was an instruction paper, about people selling kidneys for transplant surgeries, this, I should say, it was not just the military who was doing the kidney transplant.
B: We also obtained some intelligence, that is to say back then, the Joint Logistics Departments (of the Military Regions) had detained a number of Falun Gong people as live donors, is that true?
A: this, this is back then, ah, I think, at least this is how I remembered, because back then after Chairman Jiang issued the order, we all did a lot of anti-Falun Gong work.
B: You guys (the PLA General Logistics Department) and the Joint Logistics Department No. 1, Joint Logistics Department No. 2, including the Joint Logistics Department No.40 subdivision, and the military hospitals they were in charge of, do you have supervisory relationship with them?
A: We directly control the military medical universities, they are directly affiliated with the PLA General Logistics Department, and they received repeated orders, because Jiang paid a lot attention to this matter back then, put a lot of emphasis on this matter,
B: who put a lot of emphasis on this matter?
A: Jiang, it was when Jiang was in power.
B: hmm
A: paid a lot of attention to this matter, there was a written order,
B: From 1998 to 2004, you were ….
A: correct, correct, correct, the Minister of Health for the PLA General Logistics Department, from 1998 to 2004.
B: well, we will end here.
A: ok, ok, good, good, in the future, if something comes up, you ask me, no problem
B: ok, good. thanks, bye.
A: bye
Investigative Audio Recording 2: Former Minister of National Defense, Liang Guanglie admitted that the Central Military Commission held meetings to discuss the issues about Falun Gong practitioners detained by the military and that the military hospitals were involved.Liang Guanglie is the former Defense Minister and retired People's Liberation Army General. The telephone investigation took place during his trip to the U.S. from May 4 to May 10, 2012. Liang admitted that the Central Military Commission held meetings to discuss the issues about Falun Gong practitioners detained by the military and that the military hospitals were involved. |
![]() Liang Guanglie |
Below is the partial transcript of the telephone investigation between the WOIPFG investigator and Liang Guanglie in May 2012.
(Download MP3:MP3 )
Liang Guanglie’s secretary: Hello
Investigator: Hello, I am [omitted for confidentiality].
Liang Guanglie’s secretary: I am the secretary.
Investigator: Did you find Minister Liang?
Liang Guanglie’s secretary: May I ask what this is for?
Investigator: Wang Lijun recently told us some stuff, and we have a few quick questions for Minister Liang.
Liang Guanglie’s secretary: ah,
Investigator: Do you think we can ask some quick questions now?
Liang Guanglie’s secretary: quick questions ... but this is international long distance [phone call], and it is not secure.
Investigator: Nothing related to confidential matters, we just want to confirm some time lines.
Liang Guanglie’s secretary: Just some time line questions?
Investigator: yes, yes
Liang Guanglie’s secretary:about what?
Investigator: It is ...... It is better that we talk directly to Minister Liang.
Liang Guanglie’s secretary: please wait for a minute.
Investigator: ah,
Liang Guanglie: Hello
Investigator: Hello, are you Minister of National Defense, Liang Guanglie?
Liang Guanglie: Who are you?
Investigator: I am [omitted for confidentiality]. We have a few quick questions for you. During the past few days, Wang Lijun provided us with some new information. He said he had collaborated with military hospitals to conduct research on organ transplants using detained Falun Gong practitioners. So please tell us more about the Grade 3A military hospitals using Falun Gong practitioners’ organ for transplants.
Liang Guanglie: about this, ... I need to tell you two things, one is I am right now outside China, you called me but I can’t verify your Identity;
Investigator: ah,
Liang Guanglie: ah, the second is that what you talked about; I am not in charge of it.
Investigator: is the General Logistics Department in charge of it?
Liang Guanglie: Then you have to ask them who is in charge of it.
Investigator: Have you ever heard about it when you were the Chief of Staff?
Liang Guanglie: I heard about it. I was in charge of military related work, not the logisticsand medical things.
Investigator: Also, Wang Lijun provided information indicating that some Falun Gong practitioners who were used as organ donors were detained by the military. So, this is related to …
Liang Ganglie: Don’t ask me this, okay?
Investigator: Ok, Ok, I will ask the General Logistics Department.
Liang Guanglie: you go to the relevant departments, ok?
Investigator: ok
Liang Guanglie: About the thing you asked, ...... I am not in charge of it; plus it is not appropriate for me to tell you anything, because you are … you suddenly called me.
Investigator: We got your phone number through the Ministry of National Defense.
Liang Guanglie: You got the phone number from the Ministry of National Defense. [It is] an overseas number, [I] don’t know who you are.
Investigator: OK, if you are not in charge of this matter, we will find the relevant department to find out more.
Liang Guanglie: I am not in charge of this, it is not my responsibility.
Investigator: If at that time the military detained some organ transplant donors, then this thing ......
Liang Guanglie: I've heard of this.
Investigator: was there any discussion about this issue during the Central MilitaryCommission meeting?
Liang Guanglie: It was discussed.
Investigator: ah,
Liang Guanglie: Is that it?
Investigator: OK, we will get more information from relevant departments then.
Liang Guanglie: ok,ok,
Investigator: Ok, sorry for disturbing you,
Liang Guanglie: Is your phone [number] real?
Investigator: ah?
Liang Guanglie: I want to verify your phone [number], is it real?
Investigator: yes, yes, yes
Liang Guanglie: Really?
Investigator: right, right
Liang Guanglie: I will check you, let me tell you,
Investigator: Sure, you can, when you come back, you can send your secretary to visit us. Have a good time in the United States.
Liang Guanglie: Ok
Investigator: well then, sorry for the disturbance. Goodbye.
Liang Guanglie: ok, ok (hangs up)
Investigative Audio Recording 3: Testimony from armed police guard onsite witness[1]
Event Replay: In 2002, the witness was working for the public security (police) system of Liaoning Province and he participated in illegal arrests and torture of Falun Gong practitioners. Among themwas a female Falun Gong practitioner in her 30s who had wounds and scars covering her entire body, after one week of severe torment and forced food intake. On April 9, 2002, a certain office of the Public Security Bureau of Liaoning province sent two military surgeons, one being a military surgeon from the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region of People's Liberation Army and the other one being a military surgeon graduated from the Second Military Medical University. They transferred this practitioner to another place (Note 1). Under the circumstances that this female practitioner was fully conscious, without using any anesthetics, they harvested her heart, kidneys and other organs. The witness was an armed police guard by that time and witnessed the entire process of live organ harvesting.
Excerpt from the conversation recording
Witness: A scalpel, a surgical knife at the chest. When it cut the chest, blood gushed out. It was gushing out, not…
Question: Is the person you saw male or female?
Witness: Female.
Question: Young?
Witness: Maybe in her 30s.
Question: Please describe what she was saying at that time.
Witness: At that time, we had been interrogating and severely torturing her for about a week. She already had countless wounds on her body. Also, [we] used electrical batons to beat her. She had already become delirious. She was already beaten to .... Since she refused to eat anything, we forcibly poured milk into her stomach. She didn’t want to drink, so we forced it down. You know, when her nose was pinched, because of her basic human instincts, she had to drink the milk. Therefore, her life was maintained that way, but she lost almost 15 jin [equivalent to 7.5 kilograms] within seven days. However, we didn’t know at this time, it was possibly a certain office in the Public Security Bureau of Liaoning Province [anyway, it was a very secretive office] that sent two people over. One of them was a military surgeon from the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region of People's Liberation Army [PLA], and the other one was a graduate of the Second Military Medical University. Specifically, one of them was relatively old, and the other one was young. They were doing something to her in an operating room of the mental hospital she was sent to. No anesthetics were used. They cut her chest with a knife without shaking their hands. If it were me, I would be shaking. Although I am an armed police, I held guns, I participated in live ammunition maneuvers, and I had seen many corpses, but when I saw these military surgeons, I was really impressed. Their hands didn’t shake at all; they put on their surgical mask and started cutting immediately. At that time, we [armed policemen] were standing on guard each with a pistol in hand. Then she shouted, saying “Falun Dafa is good”.
Witness: She said “you kill me, one individual.” [I think] it roughly meant “you kill one individual like me. Can you kill several hundred millions of us, people that are being persecuted by you for our true belief?” At that moment, that doctor, that military surgeon hesitated. Then he looked at me, then at our [policemen’s] superior. Then our superior nodded, and he continued to do the vessels… [Her] heart was carved out first, next were the kidneys. When her cardiac vessels were cut by the scissors, she started twitching. It was extremely horrible. I can imitate her scream for you, although I can’t imitate it well. It sounded like something was being ripped apart, and then she continued “ah”. Since then she always had her mouth wide open, with both her eyes wide open. Ah… I don’t want to continue.(Certain parts omitted.)
Witness: At that time, this person was a teacher, an instructor teaching in a high school. Her son should be almost 12 years old by now. Her husband was quite incapable [didn’t have much power]. Maybe he was a factory worker. Prior to this, she suffered even greater humiliation. Many of our policemen were perverted. They were using pincers and other equipments that I don’t know from where they got them, to molest her. I have witnessed all these with my own eyes, but I regret that I didn’t take any photos. She had some good looks, relatively pretty, [so the policemen] raped her…this was far too common.
Question: This is what you witnessed in the police station where you stayed…?
Witness: I didn’t stay in a police station. I was in a training center, which was the backyard of a hotel. [The policemen] rented ten rooms in a small building. They would do this in a small mansion.
Question: A black jail?
Witness: More or less so.
Question: As long as they are Falun Gong practitioners, they were sent there?
Witness: Yes.
Question: Even before they were tried, they were sent there?
Witness: Anyway, we [policemen] always change places on a short notice.(Certain parts are omitted.)
Question: You haven’t told me the specific time.
Witness: It was April 9, 2002.
Question: April 9?
Witness: Yes, the operation started from 5 p.m. on April 9 and lasted three hours. Before that, it continued for a month.
Question: What do you mean by “it continued for a month”?
Witness: Our interrogating and torturing of her lasted for a month.(Certain parts are omitted.)
Question: Did you torture them once in the interrogation process to extract information or many times?
Witness: Many times. At that time, Wang Lijun, nowadays the chief of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau ordered us “must eradicate all”.
Note 1: During the first conversation, in order not to expose himself, the witness didn’t specify the location where the live organ harvesting took place. In the second conversation, the witness clearly indicated that the live organ harvesting took place in an operating room on the 15th floor of the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region. It has been confirmed that the 15th to 17th floors of the General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region are used for surgery.
Investigative Audio Recording 4: Kidney broker representative for People's Liberation Army (PLA) No. 307 Hospital in Beijing emphasizes officials, police and prison operation of the trade of organ from Falun Gong practitioner is like a supply line and they can also provide information that confirms that the supplied organs come from Falun Gong practitioners [2]
(Download record:MP3)
Following are excerpts from the phone conversation between WOIPFG investigator andChen Qiang, a kidney broker representative for PLA 307 Hospital in Beijing city (A: Chen Qiang, B: Investigator)
B: Hi
A: Hallo, Are you Xiaochen?
B: Hi
A: Are you Chen Qiang?
B: Yes I am. Speak.
A: Hallo. Last time I talked to you about contacting the kidney supply sources. How is it going?
B: You meant that, contacting the prison, or “that something”?
A: Yes, the source of Falun Gong practitioners, I meant. …
B: I’ve heard it’s now very strict.
A: Where did you get it before?
B: It was from Xichen (A place in Beijing).
A: Xichen, you now--- By the way, how could you be so sure he (the source) was a Falun Gong practitioner? Did you find out for sure?
B: How to positively identify a Falun Gong practitioner, well, when the time comes --- when the time comes then our side, our Boss will have people showing you information, you know. He will show you the information and data. You can be sure. We have connections with government officials. There are connections to high ranking officials. You know, I will show you such material even if you don't ask me for it. You know.
A: OK. Ah… There is one more thing that I don't quite understand. That is to say, these people are detained in forced labor camps or prisons. Normally, I know that they are in the police station …
B: Right now, there are fewer in the forced labor camps.
A: Really, where are they usually detained now?
B: Now they are in prisons. Normally, they were sent away from Beijing and from there transferred to other places.
A: I heard from others that, several years ago, they arrested many Falun Gong practitioners who did not give their names after they were detained, quite a few; they detained them underground, the kind of place that was neither a prison nor a labor camp…
B: You are talking about what was going on around 2003. I know exactly what you are talking about. They did not reveal their name starting from 2003.
A: Oh, so there were more cases around 2003?
B: Of course. There were tons of Falun Gongs on file around 2003.
A: You see, the 50.000 as said before is no problem. I will give you 20.000 yuan more and hope you take it serious. Later you just tell me how much money you spent, you can just tell me an amount.
B: This thing, I also need to use contacts to find it for you. The money they ask, I think it will be around 200.000 yuan, you know.
A: Yes.
B: Falun Gong---- Last time I made some inquiries by calling around … Later I contacted [the labor camp or prison officials] by phone. I asked my boss to call [the official], and [that official] said they will obtain the organs from “the inside [the labor camps or prisons].”
A: Oh.
B: Now [the Falun Gong practitioners] were all transferred to remote prisons. They [the officials] need to get the organs from there; that takes money. Lots of money must be paid to people over there, you know.
A: yes. You know that several years ago, they secretly detained many Falun Gong practitioners who went to appeal but did not provide their names. There were no records, no registrations.
B: It is quite normal, you know … If the Falun Gong practitioner did not give his name, he would be given a number, understand?
A: Yes.
B: If they could not find out the real names, they just left code numbers, you know.
A: Yes.
B: and also according to their fingerprints, you know, things are like this way now. (missing something)
A: Yes.
B: After such a thing is done, I tell you. It is not that I want to tell you something. Oh, some details such as the names of some people, I cannot tell you, you know.
A: Yes.
B: Like our boss, like the connections to the detention centers, I cannot tell you. What you said I cannot take casually. How can it be casual? We have the contacts. Since we are doing this business, we have people in every department. How can you get it done without connections?
A: Yes. I am just…
B: Such an operation is like a supply line, you know.
A: right
Investigative Audio Recording 5: police from the first division of criminal law at the Intermediate People's Court of Jinzhou says: “If the conditions are good, I think we can still provide (organs).”[3]
(Download record:MP3)
Following are excerpts from the phone conversation between a WOIPFG investigator and the police from the first division of criminal law at the Intermediate People's Court of Jinzhou
(Answer: police from the first division of criminal law at the Intermediate People's Court of Jinzhou, Question: Investigator)
Question: Hello. Is this the first division of criminal law at the Intermediate People's Court of Jinzhou?
Answer: Right.
Question: I only know that since 2001, we have been obtaining kidney donors from courts and detention centers, from those donors who are young and healthy and practice Falun Gong. Now there are fewer such donors.
Answer: Mmm, Mmm.
Question: So I don't know if your court is still able to provide such donors.
Answer: That depends on your situation, and we also have to discuss it with our superiors. If the conditions are good, we might be able to provide it.
Question: Is that right?
Answer: Yes. It depends on your situation.
Investigative Audio Recording 6: Chief of Urology Chen Rongshan from the PLA(People's Liberation Army) 205 hospital admits donor organs come from detained Falun Gong practitioners, who went through the court[4](Download record:MP3) Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator, as “member of the Wang Lijun inter-departmental investigation team,” and Chen Rongshan, retired urology chief physician of the PLA 205 Hospital of Jinzhou City. |
![]() Chen Rongshan |
Chen: Hello?
WOIPFG: Hello, is this Chen Rongshan, the urology chief physician of the PLA 205 Hospital of Jinzhou City?
Chen: Yes, yes, yes, who are you?
WOIPFG: I’m from the Wang Lijun inter-departmental investigation team.
Chen: ah
WOIPFG: When Wang Lijun was at the Jinzhou Public Security Bureau, he was in charge of the On-Site Psychology Research Center. The center had some joint projects with PLA 205 Hospital. Can you tell me more about the projects?
Chen: oh
WOIPFG: He had a project called “Research on Organ Transplantation from Donors who have been Subjected to Drug Injection.” PLA 205 Hospital was the partner. Please tell me more about this project.
Chen: ah
WOIPFG: What I am asking is whether you have cooperated?
Chen: There was also China Medical University.
WOIPFG: Wang Lijun told us that some organ donors were jailed Falun Gong practitioners. Is that true?
Chen: Those are arranged by the court.
WOIPFG: By the court, right?
Chen: yes, yes.
WOIPFG: That is to say that the organs were provided by prisons and labor camps?
Chen: Let me say something, don’t talk about this matter with me, ok?
WOIPFG: Because we are now…
Chen: If you want to talk to me, contact the Political Department of the PLA 205 Hospital first. Ok?
WOIPFG: well, we’ve already discussed this with them before talking to you.
Chen: no, no, you, the Political Department hasn’t called me. I cannot, cannot, ok?
WOIPFG: they, the telephone number is the same.
Chen: They must call me first, ok?
WOIPFG: we’ve already talked to them.
Chen: Ask someone from the Political Department to call me.
WOIPFG: We’ve already contacted Secretary Lin from the Political Dept.
Chen: That won’t work. We have disciplines in the military. If you want to discuss certain matters, you must first talk to the Political Dept., then someone from the Political Dept. must call me. Alright?
WOIPFG: He told me to contact you directly, so….
Investigative Audio Recording 7: Chen Rongshan guaranteed to keep the organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners for organ transplantation secret.[4](Download:MP3) Following are excerpts from the conversation between the WOIPFG investigator as the secretary of Wang Jia, former director of the PLA 205 Hospital and Chen Rongshan, Chen Rongshan, retired urology chief physician.
![]() Chen Rongshan |
Chen: Hello?
WOIPFG: Hello, is this Chen Rongshan, the urology chief physician of the PLA 205 Hospital of Jinzhou City?
Chen: Where are you calling from?
WOIPFG: I am the secretary of Wang Jia, the deputy minister of joint health services. Your former director wanted me to tell you something.
Chen: oh, go ahead.
WOIPFG: No matter what level of investigation agencies contact you about Falun Gong organs or organ transplants, do not say a word. Do not leak any secrets. Can you do that?
Chen: yes, sure.
WOIPFG: Those nurses at the urology department, do they know the donors were Falun Gong practitioners?
Chen: Who are you?
WOIPFG: Your former hospital director….
Chen: No, you, secretary, what’s your last name?
WOIPFG: Zhang, my name is Zhang Tao.
Chen: Your name is Zhang Tao?
WOIPFG: Your former hospital director wanted me to tell you.
Chen: I know, I know.
WOIPFG: Ok. If possible, tell the members from other departments as well.
Chen: I’ll mention it. Tell them not to talk about it casually.
WOIPFG: right.
Chen: I know. Thanks.
WOIPFG: Good. That’s it for now.
Chen: Goodbye.
Investigative Audio Recording 8: Tianjin No. 1 Central Hospital director Song: “We have a similar situation here.”[5](Download record:MP3) Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator and Tianjin No. 1 Central Hospital director Song Wenli |
WOIPFG: Hi. Is this Tianjin First Central Hospital’s Director Song?
Song: Yes, please speak.
WOIPFG: … His doctor told him that the source of the kidney is very good as [the organ donor] practiced qigong. (asked: “What type of qigong?”) Falun Gong, because people who practice Falun Gong have good health… [interrupted]
Song: Of course. We have a similar situation here. We also have these so-called donor bodies that are still breathing or still have a heartbeat. We also have them, of course. Um, we might have some of this type. So far this year, we’ve probably had more than ten kidneys of this kind…
Investigative Audio Recording 9, Doctor of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University in Shanghai says: “What we have here is all this type.” [6]
(Download record:MP3)
Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator and Zhongshan Hospital liver transplant center
(B: Zhongshan Hospital liver transplant center)
WOIPFG: Hello. Is this the Zhongshan Hospital?
B: Yes, transplant ward.
WOIPFG: Is this the Liver Transplant Center?
B: Yes. How may I help you?
WOIPFG: I want to have a consultation of my illness
B: Please wait. I will get you a doctor.
Doctor: Hello.
WOIPFG: Hi. Are you a doctor? Can you do transplant surgery?
Doctor: Yes, we can.
WOIPFG: How long do I have to wait?
Doctor: About a week after you come.
WOIPFG: Are there any organs from Falun Gong practitioners? I heard that this kind is generally very good…
Doctor: What we have here is all this type.
WOIPFG: Oh, the good ones all come from Falun Gong practitioners and they are fresh, usually within how many hours?
Doctor: It should be OK within 24 hours, but we generally control it within 10 hours.
WOIPFG: Could you tell me who should I contact with about it?
Doctor: You need to talk to the court system.
WOIPFG: Do you get them from other area? Or you have them locally?
Doctor: We have both.
WOIPFG: I see. So you have both out of town and local supplies.
Doctor: Yes.
Investigative Audio Recording 10: Doctor of The Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University in Shanghai says: “ The organs are all from live persons, donors are all alive.” [6]
(Download record:MP3)
Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator and The Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University in Shanghai
Investigator: Hello. May I have your number of liver transplant center?
Hospital: Please wait while we are connecting you
Doctor Dai: Let me tell you, it should be OK to have liver transplant in your case.
Investigator: I just want to know how long we have to wait.
Doctor Dai: We have supplies every day. Today for example, we are performing transplant surgery.
Investigator: Well, I mean not just a fresh one. We need one from live human body…
Doctor Dai: Sure, the organs we use are all from live persons. The donors are all alive.
Investigator: What?
Doctor Dai: They are all organs from live persons! Ours are the best.
Investigator: Then I want to know how long you have been in operation. I want to find out your skill level.
Doctor Dai: We’ve done this for 5-6 years. We have performed such kind of operation for 5-6 years already.
Investigator: Then how many do you do per month?
Doctor Dai: We have done 400 to 500 cases.
Investigator: What? 400 - 500?
Doctor Dai: Yes, that’s right.
Investigator: So you do 400 to 500 transplants every year?
Doctor Dai: No. This year we just started after the Chinese New Year, but so far we’ve done more than 10 cases, 20 to 30 cases already. Each year we did about 100 to 200 transplants.
Investigator: All these organs, they must come from healthy persons. We need the healthy one.
Doctor Dai: I’ll make sure that you’re satisfied after you come.…
Investigator: I heard some come from those who practice qigong. They are very healthy.
Doctor Dai: Yes, we have this type, but I cannot explain to you clearly over the phone.
Investigator: If you could find me one, I will come right away.
Doctor Dai: Of course. Just come over!
Investigator: Oh, you could. Then how do I find you? What’s your last name? I will look for you.
Doctor Dai: I’m Doctor Dai.
Investigator: Which Dai?
Doctor Dai: The ‘Dai’ as in ‘dai mao’ (=wear a hat).
Investigative Audio Recording 11: Investigation into the Guangxi National hospital Urology transplant doctor Lu Guoping[3](Download record:MP3) Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator and Guanxi National hospital Urology transplant doctor Lu Guoping |
Doctor Lu Guoping introduction: No 3. Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital
(Investigator, Lu: Lu Guoping)
About this case, the CCP also provides evidence that makes Organ Harvesting undeniable. A TV film made by a Hongkong Chinese satellite TV Channel was spread to the world by Chinese consulates in Canada in 2008. Based on the goal of the TV film, to deny the organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners by the CCP, the film presents some interviews with some “witlessness”. In the TV film, Guangxi National hospital doctor Lu Guoping admits that the telephone interview on 22th, May, 2006 is really with him. The video of the TV film was disseminated by Chinese embassies and consulate, so its authenticity is recognized by the Chinese government.
Investigator: hello, it’s not them....
Lu: hello, yes....
Investigator: Doctor, I trust you very much, I trust you a lot. , They are all using organs from Falun Gong practitioners now, aren’t they?
Lu: We don’t have it any more. It is more restricted now.
Investigator: You used organ from Falun Gong practitioners before.
Lu: It’s not the same as before anymore.
Investigator: Your hospital has used it before, right? They supply it to you, right? Since I know the surgery technique of the Guangxi National hospital is relatively good. That’s to say, you used it before, why couldn’t you use it anymore? I would like to ask if it is possible to find organs from Falun Gong? If you can find that, then I will come. Can you find it?
Lu: Let me tell you that we cannot get it. If you want to get it from Guangxi it will be more difficult. If you want to get it quickly, I suggest you to go to Guangzhou. They can get organs very easily. They can search all over the country. When they are doing a liver transplant then can get a kidney for you in the meantime. So they can get an organ very easily. So a lot of places cannot get it, they only can ask them (Guangzhou) to get it.
Investigator: Tell me the one in Guangzhou. When you help me, I will thank you.
Lu: ok
Investigator: ah
Lu: ok. I will tell you and then I will tell you the phone number of the doctor from the other hospital.
Investigator: Which hospital is it?
Lu: I tell you the number. Please wait 30 seconds. I go to get the phone number.
Investigator: thank you, afterward I will thank you.
Lu: hello.
Investigator: hi
Lu: hello, hello
Investigator: yes, yes
Lu: First write down the number of the doctor. 13609038255
Investigator: 3825
Lu: 38255
Investigator: ah, 255. 13609038255
Lu: Yes, yes. It’s the No. 3 affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-sen University.
Investigator: Is this from Guangzhou?
Lu: yes right
Investigator: No. 3 affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-sen University.
Lu: yes
Investigator: What is the name of the doctor?
Lu: Doctor Miao
Investigator: Miao what?
Lu: Miao Bing
Investigator: Is he from liver transplant?
Lu: From kidney transplant. Because the liver and kidney transplants are on the same floor. They are together.
Investigator: Ah, they are together. How can they easily get it? Why are you not able to get it?
Lu: Because they have a good name. Since they contact the justice system in the name of the whole school.
Investigator: So are the donor bodies they use from Falun Gong practitioners?
Lu: yes right
Investigator: ok
Lu: You can also use the kidney from your family, or use a kidney from a dead body.
Investigator: Yes but he said the organ from Falun Gong practitioner is healthier and better. Is it that they all use this type?
Lu: Yes, normally the healthy one is chosen for the transplant.
Investigator: I mean, is the donor body from Falun Gong practitioner healthier, is it that they all choose of this type?
Lu: Yes. For details you can call to tell him. You say you are introduced by the National hospital doctor Lu. He was my university fellow schoolmate.
Investigator: Oh, you are his schoolmate, your name is Lu? I can tell him about you.
Lu: yes, Lu.
Investigator: Lu is from Lu xun (A Chinese name)?
Lu: No. Lu is from Lu shan (A famous Chinese mountain).
Investigator: Lu from Lu shan.
Lu: Lu guoping. Guo is from country (In Chinese, country pronounce “Guo”), Ping is from Deng Xiaoping.
Investigator: Lu Guoping. Doctor Lu Guoping
Lu: When you call him and say you are introduced by me, he will help you. We are schoolmates.
Investigator: Yes. Afterward I will thank you.
Lu: Ok, you can contact him.
Investigator: Ok. Did he help you (find organs) before? Did he help you to find this type (Life organ)?
Lu: Yes, yes, yes, every week they have many shipments because they do a lot (transplants) they have their connections.
Investigator: ah, they have good connections.
Lu: Because in the mainland China, basically every hospital can do it. But why some hospitals don’t do transplants? It’s because they cannot get organs.
Investigator: ah, but only they (Guangzhou) can find it. Where should they go to find? Do they find it from local or other places?
Lu: All over the country they have their own suppliers.
Investigator: O they have suppliers all over the country. So...
Lu: They have a special team that is looking for it.
Investigator: I see. They are all looking for organs from Falun Gong practitioners? Those healthy ones?
Lu: yes, yes, yes.
Investigator: O, ok. Doctor Lu do you have mobile phone? Give me your mobile number. I can contact you in the future when there is something; introducing patients to you I can contact you.
Lu: Ok, 13607710447.
Investigator: 0447.
Lu: Right
Investigator: 13607710447.
Lu: I can contact him. He has it over there. Basically, they are all my friend.
Investigator: O they are all your friend. You know this patient is my family, She’s my child, my daughter. I care a lot about her. Hope to find a healthy one. Your hospital is also using donor bodies from Falun Gong practitioners, isn’t it? You used it before right, in 2001, in these years...
Lu: Yes we did, the point is that it’s very hard to get...
Investigator: It was very easy to find before, isn’t it?
Lu: For this thing you need to have connections in order to find it. You need to have connections and give money to all parties in order to get it. So the fee will be higher. They can get organs for wholesale price you know?
Investigator: Wholesale price? For example the ones you used before, where did you find it? Did they come from a detention center or from a prison?
Lu: From prisons.
Investigator: From prisons, those are all healthy ones from Falun Gong, aren’t they? Healthy Falun Gong practitioners?
Lu: yes exactly, of course choosing the good ones. Because when doing such a thing quality has to be guaranteed.
Investigator: So it is to say you will choose it by yourselves?
Lu: yes
Investigator: So does your hospital do a lot?
Lu: Because our hospital cannot get it, so these few years basically we don’t do it. Because they have a special room to do it, because they do a lot, know how to do it, you know? So they quality will be better.
Investigator: Ah, better quality. O, this type....
Lu: Because we do a few, we can do it however we do less this year.
Investigator: No, in 2001 it was very easy to find Falun Gong one. This type of supply body was easy to find.
Lu: No, now it is like this. You can go to contact them.
Investigator: It’s easy to find over there, when I go, I just need to tell that you introduced me and they can find it, right?
Lu: Yes, right.
Investigator: Do you think they can find a donor body from Falun Gong for me?
Lu: IF you go there it shouldn’t be a problem at all.
Investigator: They can find it?
Lu: I can tell you, it’s an easy job for them to get organs.
Investigator: Easy job?
Lu: Since they do seven or eight liver transplants a week they can do over ten kidney transplants a week. Every month they do dozens of transplants. So they don’t worry about getting organs.
Investigator: Did your schoolmates tell you he used the organs from Falun Gong practitioners, did he?
Lu: Some are from Falun Gong, some are donors from family.
Investigator: So it is to say, if I want to find one for my child, one from the Falun Gong, you think they can find it for me?
Lu: they can absolutely find it.
Investigator: They can find it? Your hospital did it before using donor bodies from Falun Gong, did you do a lot?
Lu: We did it before, but it is very hard to get. I’ve already told you, not every hospital can get it. For this kind of thing you need to have connections. Now this kind of organ is in shortage. That’s why some hospital can get it, and some not. It’s because of this matter.
Investigator: They need to contact the court first? Or directly contact labor camps or detention centers?
Lu: Yes of course, this kind of thing it’s not a hospital who can make the decision.
Investigator: So someone needs to give them money?
Lu: Yes you have to bribe them. How could it be that easy?
Investigator: Those donor bodies from Falun Gong, are they mostly male or female?
Lu: Normally, they have both male and female; they will choose one according to your matching.
Investigator: I know. What are their ages in between?
Lu: Normally, around their thirties.
Investigator: Around their thirties. Like you, you need to go to the prison to choose?
Lu: Yes of course, need to select.
Investigator: If you select and they don’t allow you to take a blood sample, what then?
Lu: They will absolutely allow it.
Investigator: How would they allow?
Lu: There are inspectors. What are you afraid to? There is no need for you to worry about this kind of thing, they have their operations.
Investigator: Will they know they will be organ donors, do they?
Lu: They don’t know
Investigator: They don’t know? You just don’t let them know? When they know they don’t let people take blood samples?
Lu: yes, yes, yes.
Investigator: But how will you convince him, he would say what you are taking blood samples for? What will you say?
Lu: They will have their way. This isn’t something for you to worry about. What you can do is just stay in the hospital and pay all the fees. You don’t have to worry about other things.
Investigator: I’m afraid they cannot find a donor body from Falun Gong. I worry about this.
Lu: I can tell you, if they cannot find it, basically others cannot find is as well.
Investigator: Oh, that is to say they can find this kind of donor body from Falun Gong practitioners.
Lu: If they could not find it, almost nowhere can find one.
Investigator: Oh, I see. You mean that they surely can get organs from Falun Gong practitioners.
Lu: I would not recommend you to go there if they couldn’t find one.
Investigator: So when I prepare the money I can go to there. Then I say I’m introduced by you.
Lu: Ok, I need to go to carry out a surgery.
Investigator: If there is anything I will contact you anytime.
Lu: Fine
Investigator: Thank you. Thank you very much for helping me. Goodbye
Investigative Audio Recording 12, Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region Zhu Yunsong says: “No problem, you can come over.”[5](Download record:MP3) Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator and Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region director Zhu Yunsong. |
Investigator: Is this Director Zhu of Guangzhou General Hospital?
Zhu: Yes, I am.
Investigator: I am working in No. 304 Hospital from Beijing and I have two relatives here. Right now we do not have enough kidney supplies. We used to do lots of such surgeries in 2001, 2002, 2003 ...
Zhu: Yes, I know.
Investigator: We found that kidneys from young donor are good. Another thing is that the kidneys from Falun Gong detainees are indeed better . Do you have this kind?
Zhu: We do not have many Falun Gong kidney sources either.
Investigator: You still have some of this (kidney from Falun Gong) kind?
Zhu: It is not difficult to find Type B kidney (Falun Gong practitioner’s donors). If you want, you can come; we will do it pretty soon, definitely before May 1.
Investigator: Do you have one batch prior to May 1?
Zhu: We will have several batches.
Investigator: How about after May 1?
Zhu: If you wait until after May 1, it will be more likely to be around 20 May.
Investigator: If you could obtain Falun Gong kidney sources in this period of time, could you let me know?
Zhu: No problem, you come over and we can talk then...
Investigative Audio Recording 13: No. 2 Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Province Medical University: “I would say not bad.”
(Download record:MP3)
Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator and the No. 2 Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Province Medical University
Investigator: Hi. Is this the No.2 Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Province Medical University?
Answer: Yes.……
Investigator: What about kidney sources from prisoners who practice Falun Gong at your place?
Answer: I would say not bad. Maybe you can ask the General Hospital of Army…the General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Zone
Investigator: Hold on for a second…, General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Zone …
Answer: It is also called the Wuhan General Hospital. We share with each other.
Investigative Audio Recording 14: Wuhan Tongji Hospital, Using supplies of live organs from Falun Gong, is that ok? Answer: It's not a problem.[6]
(Download record:MP3)
Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator and Wuhan Tongji Hospital
Investigator: Hello. Is it the Wuhan Tongji Hospital?
Answer: Yes, it is.
Investigator: Are you the Urological Surgery Department? We need to have kidney transplant.
Answer: Yes, this is the Kidney Transplant Department.
Investigator: When did you start the large volume kidney transplantation?
Answer: We are the earliest place. We started a long time ago.
Investigator: How many operations do you do each year?
Answer: Our hospital is the place where largest amount of transplants have been done. In the whole Hubei Province area, our department is the most productive one. We've done a lot because we have ample organ supplies.
Investigator: From a patient's perspective, live kidney source is preferred. So we are looking for live organ transplantation from prisoners, for example, from those who practice Falun Gong. Is it possible?
Answer: Sure, it's not a problem.
Investigator: So do you get enough supplies of live organs from prisoners such as those who practice Falun Gong?
Answer: Yes, sure, no problem. When you are ready, you can come over directly and we will discuss it in detail.
Investigative Audio Recording 15: Qianfoshan Liver Transplant Center in Shandong Province: “You just need to come”[6]
(Download record:MP3)
Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator and the Qianfoshan Liver Transplant Center in Shandong Province
Hospital operator: Hello.
Investigator: Hello. Is this the ward of Shandong Qianfoshan Liver Transplant Center?
Hospital operator: Yes.
Investigator: I’d like to have a consultation…
Hospital operator: Please wait. I’ll get a doctor for you.
Investigator: OK.
Doctor: Hello.
Investigator: Hi. I’d like to ask a few questions. How long have you performed liver transplants? Do you…
Doctor: We’ve started since 2002.
Investigator: From 2002 to present?
Doctor: More than four years.
Investigator: As for the liver supplies, usually how long can you keep them (for the transplant)?
Doctor: The rule is 12 hours. So far we haven’t exceeded 12 ours. The ones we have are all pre-checked.
Investigator: There are some livers come from Falun Gong practitioners. So I want to know if you have this type or not?
Doctor: Um. You just need to come.
Investigator: So you mean you have this type?
Doctor: Well, let me tell you, you just come over…er…we will sure to get more of this type in April and the number of those suppliers is gradually increasing now.
Investigator: Why will there be more in April?
Doctor: I cannot tell you that because it involves... it doesn’t mean…Anyway, there is no need to explain this to you. This question can’t be answered.
Investigative Audio Recording 16: Deputy secretary of PLAC (Political and Legislative Affairs Committee) regional branch Tang Junjie said: “He took care of this task.”[7](Download record:MP3) Phone conversation between the WOIPFG investigator, as “a member of the Bo Xilai special investigation team within the Committee for Disciplinary Inspection of the CCP,” and Tang Junjie, secretary and deputy secre tary of PLAC regional branch in Liaoning Province and director of the Comprehensive Management Office from 2000 to 2011. |
Investigator: Hi, is this Tang Junjie, former deputy secretary of Liaoning PLAC?
Tang Junjie: Who are you?
Investigator: Oh, I’m from the Bo Xilai special investigation team of the Committee for Disciplinary Inspection. I wanted to ask you a few things regarding Bo Xilai’s days in Liaoning.
Tang Junjie: When do you want me to come over?
Investigator: Yes.
Tang Junjie: When do you want me to come over?
Investigator: Let’s talk on the phone first to clear up some things. If necessary I’ll send you an invitation to come over.
Tang Junjie: Ok, sure.
Investigator: Well we have a few questions for you.
Tang Junjie: Go ahead.
Investigator: The first question is: what kind of directions or commands did Bo Xilai give regarding removing organs from Falun Gong practitioners?
Tang Junjie: I was asked to take care of this task. Party central is actually emphasizing this, it is because the impact was quite big after the union. The result was quite positive, yeah it seemed quite positive. At that time we mainly discussed it during the meetings within the Standing Committee. It seems the result is positive. Where are you located? The fact that you are asking me about this is a bit....What is your location?
Investigator: I’m in Beijing and I’m part of the special investigation team for this case.
Tang Junjie: Ah ok. So I won’t respond to your questions now. After I receive exact information I will answer you, ok? I will give you a response after I see an invitation with official letterhead from you. It’s a bit difficult for me to answer right now, especially because it involves things like this. I cannot answer more. Ok! If you need me to come over, send me an official invitation. The fact that you are talking about this over the phone seems to be out of the blue for me. I cannot respond.
Investigative Audio Recording 17: Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) employee whose family name is Li says: “Above bureau-director level know about this state secret.”[7]
(Download record:MP3)
Part of a recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator, as “an official from the Ministry of National Security” and Mr. Li, a participant of a PLAC meeting held at Jiangnanchun Hotel, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province between from Sept. 16 to 26, 2008. PLAC officials from all over the country attended the meeting. Mr. Li was from Beijing.
Investigator: Is this Jiangnanchun Hotel?
Operator: Ah, yes.
Investigator: Please put me through to comrade Li from Beijing’s PLAC, his extension is 1219.
Operator: You are calling from inside the hotel, yes?
Investigator: No, from outside.
Operator: Ok.
Li: Hello.
Investigator: Hi, is this comrade Li from the party central PLAC?
Li: Hi.
Investigator: Are you
Li: Where are you from?
Investigator: Your family name is Li?
Li: That’s right.
Investigator: I’m calling from the Ministry of National Security. We need your assistance regarding a case.
Li: From the Ministry of National Security?
Investigator: Yes.
Li: What do you want?
Investigator: We are working on a case involving leaking of state secrets.
Li: What was leaked?
Investigator: Well, we want to know which level of officials from PLAC is familiar with a certain state secret.
Li: What is this about?
Investigator: This is regarding the state secret of removing organs from Falun Gong practitioners to fulfill needs for organ transplant operations. Which level of officials from PLAC is familiar with this?
Li: Should be above bureau-director level.
Investigator: We obtained that information through wiretap that some bureau-director level officials from the PLAC wants to leak this secret to foreign intelligence agencies, so our directors asked for a secret investigation.
Li: I understand.
Investigator: We want to limit it at a small scale. We don’t want to bother a lot of people.
Li: Ah ok. You can do this. You make another phone call and ask for director Liu. He is the one who is organizing a class. Yes, go ask him.
Investigator: He is?
Li: I don’t know his phone number.
Investigator: Ah..
Li: OK?
Investigator: Ah, what’s his name?
Li: You can ask the operator. It’s Director Liu.
Investigator: Director Liu?
Li: He has been overseeing this class and has been organizing events regarding this in the hotel.
Investigator: Ah.
Li: A director, whose family name is Wei, from the PLAC’s office for Development and Direction has been here these days.
Investigator: Ah ok.
Li: And Director Liu has been overseeing it on the spot for him. His name is Liu....I’m not sure. You can continue your investigation. Good luck.
Investigative Audio Recording 18: Luo Gan’s secretary didnot deny organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners, only emphasize it is inappropriate to talk about it on the public phone line.[7]
(Download record:MP3)
Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between the WOIPFG investigator, as “an official from the 7th Bureau of Ministry of National Defense” and Luo Gan’s secretary, Mr. Yu.
Yu: Hi.
Investigator: Hi, is this secretary Yu from Luo Gan’s office?
Yu: Where are you from?
Investigator: Oh. I’m from the 7th bureau of the Ministry of National Defense. We have an urgent matter that needs your cooperation. We are investigating some state secret leakage. We got report that certain officials from the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC) negotiated with overseas intelligence agencies to sell our state secret. Who from the PLAC had direct knowledge of organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners? Which departments and officials?
Yu: You are using a normal landline, you…
Investigator: I know, because we are doing onsite investigation now so we have to limit the scale. We must know who had direct knowledge of it?
Yu: So, you called me here.
Investigator: Ah.
Yu: We are not in Beijing.
Investigator: Oh.
Yu: First of all we are not in Beijing. Second, you called me here but I cannot give you clear information. What do you need from me? Do you have anything specific?
Investigator: Ah, it was what I mentioned
Yu: Can you call from the bureau using the red line? To get knowledge of something like this, do you have official documents and such?
Investigator: Yes, but we will have to wait until tomorrow. It’s very urgent, so if we wait..
Yu: So use the red line!
Investigator: Ah?
Yu: I have connection to red line here. You can use the bureau’s connection to red line to call me.
Investigator: I know but we are not in the bureau. We are doing onsite investigation. It will take time for us to get to a red line. But we must know who had contact with the information about organ removal from Falun Gong members. So which level of officials within your PLAC had knowledge of this secret?
Yu: What’s your name?
Investigator: My family name is Qiu.
Yu: Qiu? Tell me your number?
Investigator: 010-...
Yu: 010-...ok ok.
Investigative Audio Recording 19: Former deputy manager of PLAC office Wei Jianrong admits the organ harvesting case “happen ed a while back”.[7](Download record:MP3) Following are excerpts from the recorded conversation between WOIPFG investigator, as “an official of the Ministry of State Security,” and Wei Jianrong, manager of PLAC Office of Development and Direction and former deputy manager of PLAC office. |
Investigator: Can I speak to the Director of the PLAC Wei Jianrong?
Wei Jianrong: Where are you from?
Investigator: It was me again, from the Ministry of State Security. As I said earlier, I mainly hope to know about…
Wei Jianrong: This happened a while back. I’ll tell you my judgment.
Investigator: ah…
Wei Jianrong: This thing, about what you just said, this happened a long time ago. Those people who came recently would not know about it. Secondly, this person is surely not from my unit, that's for sure. Our units certainly do not have such a person, and that is a basic concept. To narrow the scope, how to operate it, then you may have to go to the unit to check the original record, now there is no one who can talk about it clearly.
Investigator: That is to say the event of the organ harvesting from the jailed Falun Gong practitioners has happened since long ago?
Wei Jianrong: Right, right, right, very long ago.
Investigative Audio Recording 20: an official of the "610 Office" confirms to WOIPFG investigator that Gu Kalai traded cadavers and they are not just from Falun Gong practitioners."
(Download record:MP3)
Investigator: Hello, is this the 610?
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: ah?
Investigator: is this the 610 office?
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: yes.
Investigator: Do you know. . .
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: Who are you?
Investigator: Do you know that you guys are a criminal group?
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: I am (610 Office). Who are you?
Investigator: Once the persecution ends, have you ever thought about what will happen to you? See what had happened to Gu Kalai [the wife of Bo Xilai], on the surface, she...
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: Gu Kalai was selling organs of Falun Gong.
Investigator: What did you say?
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: I said, you were talking about Gu Kalai , the one who sold organs of Falun Gong people.
Investigator: Yes, she had two human cadaver plastination factories in Dalian. She sold plastinated full-body cadavers for one million U.S. dollars each; the cadavers without internal organs were sold for $800,000 USD.
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: Oh,
Investigator: she is a devil.
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: what she sold were not all from Falun Gong,
Investigator: you know they were not just from Falun Gong, right?
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: ah, ah
Investigator: some were Tibetans and Mongolians went to appeal.
Mr. Zhao, 610 Office: forget it. (Hung up the phone.)
Investigative Audio Recording 21: Li Changchun said: “Zhou Yongkang is in charge of this specifically. He knows it.”[7](Download record:MP3) Phone conversation between WOIPFG investigator, as “Secretary Zhang from the Office of Luo Gan, former head of PLAC,” and Li Changchun, propaganda chief of the CCP. |
![]() Li Changchun |
Investigator: Hi, is this comrade Li Changchun?
Li Changchun: Yes, it’s me.
Investigator: This is Secretary Zhang from Luo Gan’s office. Comrade Luo went to sleep already and he asked me to tell you a few things.
Li Changchun: Oh, ok.
Investigator: They were asking that, well, we got information that, while you and Jia Qinglin are away (from Beijing), we should use Bo Xilai’s involvement in murdering and removing organs from Falun Gong practitioners to convict Bo, right at this time.
Li Changchun: You should contact Zhou Yongkang.
Investigator: Yes, while at that time…
Li Changchun: Zhou Yongkang is in charge of this specifically. He knows it. Ok. I’ll have my secretary talk to you directly.
Part II. Relevant parts of the Investigative Reports
1.Evidence of Live Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners Collected from Chinese Medical Papers
WOIPFG analyzed over 300 medical research papers from over 200 hospitals in 31 provinces and municipalities in China. We have discovered that the descriptions about “donors” sex, age, health condition and cause of death, the procedure of organ removal, the data on organ’s warm ischemia time and cold ischemia time, and the timing when transplantations were conducted, prove the existence of large organ “donors” banks consisting of living persons. This new set of evidence also strengthens the previous conclusion of harvesting organs from living persons by the Chinese regime is real, and that very large numbers of captive and healthy Falun Gong practitioners were kept as living “donors.” Huge numbers of Falun Gong practitioners were killed on demand for their organs.
After analyzing a group of Chinese medical research papers, this report presents the following conclusions:
Of the so-called “donors”, who had their organs harvested, more than 90% were healthy young adult men of 20 to 40 years old. During their life time, they were physically fit with properly functioning internal organs; they had no hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis or any other infectious diseases, and no history of alcohol and tobacco use. This group of people supplied organs to the tens of thousands of transplants taking place in mainland China every year. It is absolutely impossible to get these organs from executed prisoners alone. The illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners are the live “donors,” whose organs were taken without consent to support the ever-growing transplant needs.
In mainland China, there is a large living “donor” bank. When a “donor’s” profile matches that of a recipient, the “donor” would be put to death in the process of organ harvesting at a predetermined time. This is the only explanation for the ultra-short wait time for transplant operations, the emergency transplants, and the transplants with preselected dates.
This report analyzes the organ transplant research papers published on Chinese medical journals. The analysis results suggest that a large proportion of the organ “donors” were still alive when their organs were being removed. The research papers’ descriptions of the organ harvesting processes and the numbers of “donors” can at least partially exclude the possibility that some “donors” were executed prisoners. However, the large number of illegally abducted and detained Falun Gong practitioners seem to be the most plausible main source of living “donors.”
For more details click the link:
2. Investigative Report on the Role of Chinese Military & Armed Police Hospitals in Live Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners
Based on the information gathered by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), numerous hospitals in Chinese military (People’s Liberation Army, a.k.a. PLA) and Armed Police system have been involved in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners, genocide and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Since China’s army is run in a totalitarian manner and because of its unique political standing and autonomous status, their involvement has made the military’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners especially brutal and secretive. A policy from Chairman of the Central Military Commission Jiang Zemin called to "ruin [Falun gong practitioners'] reputations, bankrupt [practitioners] financially, and destroy [practitioners] physically." This report reveals the existence of Jiang’s policy. Jiang's use of the state apparatus (including the army and armed police) commit a comprehensive and systematic genocide against Falun Gong.
The strategy of the Chinese military hospitals is: use “organ harvesting” to spearhead the improvement of other branches. . The huge income from organ transplants increased funding for the military budget. Military hospitals have been able to purchase new equipment and to have it upgraded. In the meantime, individuals have become rich through organ harvesting. This has greatly stimulated military and armed police hospitals to participate in the crime of live organ harvesting and transplanting.
The number of organ transplants by the Chinese army according to an incomplete survey
Name hospital |
Number of transplants |
kidney |
liver |
Total |
People's Liberation Army (PLA) General Hospital (301 Military Hospital) (till 2005) |
>2000 |
PLA General Staff Department General Hospital (PLA 309 Hospital) |
>2300 |
600 |
2900 |
Fuzhou General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command (Till 2014) |
3358 |
558 |
Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command (Till 2004) |
>1000 |
General Hospital of Shenyang Military Command (till 2005) |
>1500 |
Jinan Military Region General Hospital (till 2009) |
>2106 |
Nanfang Hospital (The First Affiliated Hospital of the First Military Medical University)(till 2009) |
>3800 |
Zhujiang Hospital Transplant Center (The Secondary Affiliated Hospital of the First Military Medical University)(2011 Feb) |
>3100 |
Second Military Medical University Shanghai Changzheng Hospital Transplant Center(till 2013) |
4230 |
1230 |
The Southwest Hepatic Clinical Hospital (First Affiliated Hospital of the Third Military Medical University) (till 2013) |
1119 |
Xinqiao Hospital (The Second Affiliated Hospital of The Third Military Medical University)(till 2014) |
>3600 |
Tianjin First Center Hospital&Chinese People's Armed Police Forces (till 2010) |
>6270 |
PLA 205 Hospital of Jinzhou City (till 2006) |
632 |
PLA 302 Hospital (2005-2012) |
>400 |
PLA 460 Hospital (till 2005) |
1217 |
List 1: Partial PLA implemented number of organ transplants
For more details click the link:
3. Investigative Report: China’s Public Security Bureau’s On-site Psychology Research Center Implicated in Live Organ Harvesting on Falun Gong Practitioners [9]
Since the Chinese Communist regime began the repression of Falun Gong practitioners on July 20, 1999, it is believed that former police chief Wang Lijun had been actively involved in the persecution. In districts under his jurisdiction, there were large numbers of severe persecution cases, especially between May 2003 and June 2008, when Wang was the Chief of Police for Jinzhou City, as well as the director of the Public Security Bureau's On-Site Psychology Research Center (OSPRC). He is suspected to have played a major role in harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to organ harvesting and drug injections. He also did research on the entire process of executing a death penalty by injection on Falun Gong practitioners.
Wang Lijun and his OSPRC received awards for two "outstanding accomplishments" on September 17, 2006. One of them is the "Research on Organ Transplantation from Donors Who Have Been Subjected to Drug Injection (Translator note: from the context, it's actually the execution by lethal injection)." This research project received the Guanghua Innovation Special Contribution Award from the China Guanghua Science and Technology Foundation, and received a research grant of 2 million yuan.
For more details click the link:
4. Figures from the Central Government about the number of organ tranplants show the brutal fact of genocide
Since the beginning of March 2006, witnesses have stepped forward one after another, accusing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and then cremating their bodies to destroy evidence. Accordingly, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has launched investigation on the organ transplants in Mainland China, focusing mainly on the period of less than five years from 2001 to 2006.The investigation has shown that by early 2006, more than 90,000 organ transplants of various kinds had already been performed in China. The rapid development, the large number of surgeries, the vast geographical areas involved, and the very short times for the patients to wait for organ matching and then receive the surgeries, and so on, have all indicated that since 2000, a huge live organ bank has existed in Mainland China, which cannot be explained by the number of voluntary organ donations and the number of organs harvested from the executed death-row prisoners.
The number of organ transplant has increased tremendously after 1999 (the time when the persecution of Falun Gong started)
Fig1. Total number of liver transplant through from 1977-2005
For example: According to a Xinhua Net report in Tianjin on February 7, 2005, in the first month of 2005, Tianjin First Central Hospital had already successfully completed 108 liver transplants (which, based on five days in a week, amounted to four to five liver transplant surgeries per day) and 43 kidney transplants.
Number of implement transplants |
Total liver transplants |
1979~1999 (total) |
19 |
>100 |
2006(1 year) |
>500 |
5680 |
2006.6.24~2007.6.24 |
>500 |
4231 |
List 1: The start of the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999 was the watershed for the increasing number of kidney transplants in China
For example: Han Xiuwu, a surgeon at the Organ Transplant Department of Beijing Haidian Hospital, completed two kidney transplants within 48 hours. Because of the patient's violent rejection of the first transplanted kidney, the first kidney transplant failed. After this, Han immediately brought back with him a new, matching kidney. The next day, he carried out the second kidney transplant surgery for the patient.
Average waiting time for kidney transplant surgery |
China |
7 days ~ 1 month |
United States |
3~7 years |
List 2: Estimation in 2006 of the waiting time for kidney transplant surgery in China and US
Analysis: According to the analysis of Pang Yubin, a medical doctor, the matching process for a transplant is completely different in China compared to that of other countries. China uses a “reverse matching” system. In other countries, they use the forward matching system, which means the patient waits for the organ. Sometimes, it will take the patient several years to find a matching donor. In China, the reverse matching system is used, meaning that the organ is waiting for the patient. It is very clearly indicated on many Chinese hospital websites that they can find a matching donor within a week.
The number of organ transplants performed to meet the demand far exceeds the number of organs provided through the normal channels.
For the organs from non-family members, the chance of getting the tissue match is about 6.5%, the several thousand and even ten thousand organ transplant surgeries each year suggest that the tissue-matching organs have been harvested from over one hundred thousand or even hundreds of thousands living people, who are not family members of the patients. Family members in China who have donated their live organs accounts for 0.5%. There are only nine cases where the organs were from brain-death individuals. “According to tabulations constructed from the Amnesty International reports of publicly available information in China, the average number of prisoners sentenced to death and then executed between 1995 and 1999 was 1680 per year. The average between 2000 and 2005 was 1616 per year.
Total number of matching demand of organ transplants/every year |
>100,000 |
Familiy donors/every year |
<30 |
Brain-dead individuals/every year |
<10 |
Executed prisoners/every year |
<1700 |
Shortage of donors/every year |
>98,000 |
List 3: The number of donors needed for organ transplants every year in China is on big shortage.
For more details click the link:
Part III. WOIPFG Evidence Analyzing Chart about Organ Harvesting from Live Falun Gong Practitioners
Part IV. WOIPFG Location of Phone Conversation Chart on Organ Harvesting of Live Falun Gong Practitioners.
[1] WOIPFG Case Report: Witness to a Killing during Live Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioner (Back)
[2] "Volume II Investigation Report: CCP organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners" - 2.1 Investigation Report: The Chinese military, armed police hospital systems suspected of involvement in organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners, the first part of the third section (Back)
[3] WOIPFG case Report: Excerpts from phone records of investigation into organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China (Back)
[4] WOIPFG case Report: The Transplant doctor who cooperates with Wang lijun acknowledged the organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners (Back)
[5] Telephone Messages: Evidences of Harvesting Organs from Live Falun Gong Practitioners in China (2) (Back)
[6] Telephone Messages: Evidences of Harvesting Organs from Live Falun Gong Practitioners in China (Back)
[7] WOIPFG releases phone records regarding involvement of Zhou Yongkang and key Chinese Communist Party officials in organ harvesting (Back)
[8] Investigative Report on the Role of Chinese Military & Armed Police Hospitals in Live Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners (Back)
[9] Investigative Report: China’s Public Security Bureau’s On-site Psychology Research Center Implicated in Live Organ Harvesting on Falun Gong Practitioners (Back)
[10] Human Organ Transplant Data in China Reveal the Chinese Communist Party’s Crime of Genocide (Back)
[11] Phoenix Television “Investigation into ‘Davids investigative report’”
WOIPFG: World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
CCP: Chinese Communist Party
PLAC: Political and Legislative Affairs Committee
PLA: People's Liberation Army