World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
On October 6th 2004, The 108th House of Representatives of The United States unanimously passed House Concurrent Resolution 304[1] condemning the Chinese government's oppression of Falun Gong in both the United States and China.
"This resolution," said Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen who introduced it, "focuses on reports and investigations on the use of fear, intimidation and oppression, often connected with violence, right here within the borders of our own country."
On February 3rd 2004, Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Canada awards damages to Falun Gong Practitioner Joel Chipkar for Libel against Chinese Deputy Consul General Pan Xinchun in Toronto[2].
On October 18, 2002, individual plaintiffs filed a class action lawsuit in the United States District Court of the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, against Jiang Zemin, the former dictator of China, and the Falun Gong Control 6-10 Office (a nation-wide Gestapo-like agency created by Jiang specifically to persecute Falun Gong). Jiang Zemin and his top aides including Luo Gan, Zhou Yongkang, are being sued in over ten countries including the Asian countries of Indonesia and South Korea for genocide, torture and crimes against humanity.
Falun Gong practitioners are awarded and praised by various levels of governments worldwide and international human rights organizations for their self-sacrifice, courage and determination to resist violent persecution through peaceful appeal.
On the contrary, Singapore is the only country outside China to charge Falun Gong practitioners in court. The first lawsuit against Falun Gong practitioners occurred in 2001 when Falun Gong practitioners held a quiet and peaceful candlelight vigil at MacRitchie Reservoir to commemorate 107 fellow Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death in China on the evening of 31 December 2001. Fifteen practitioners were charged. Seven were imprisoned for one month, while eight more were fined up to $1000 Singapore dollars.
The second lawsuit against Falun Gong practitioners is ongoing. Central Police Division of Singapore has charged two female Falun Gong practitioners with eight and seven accounts, respectively. These accounts include "Assembly with No Permit", "Possessing VCD with no Permit", and "Mailing VCD with no Permit." The first two charges occurred in February 2003 when the two practitioners were distributing truth-clarifications materials to Chinese tourists. All the other charges were that the two practitioners, without any private or commercial interests, mailed VCDs containing programs of truth about Falun Gong to the police. This lawsuit has sparked the attention of Falun Gong practitioners worldwide, the media and various human rights organizations. All these charges are related to truth-clarification activities undertaken by Falun Gong practitioners worldwide. It is noted that the Police decided to charge the two Falun Gong practitioners about 15 months after the said "Assembly with no permit" occurred.
This report intends to provide some important background behind these charges and how Singapore Falun Gong practitioners were treated over the past five years, how they are sacrificing their careers and personal interests in order to raise awareness of the Singapore government, police, the public and the Chinese tourists who were heavily poisoned by slanderous propaganda from China and to appeal for putting a stop to the brutal persecution and killing of the innocent Falun Gong practitioners in China, and how Chinese officials interfered with local Falun Gong activities.
This document presents interim results from our investigations into;
.Discrimination toward the Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore, and
.Chinese officials' unlawful activities in extending China's persecution of Falun Gong on Singapore soil
To date, confirmed reports of discrimination include unusual police inspection, refusal of various permit applications, deferrals or refusals of Permanent Residence and Citizenship applications, termination of access to public assets, lawsuits against Falun Gong practitioners, and unbalanced news reporting on Falun Gong in the local media.
Confirmed reports of Chinese officials' unlawful activities in Singapore include hate incitement, manipulating local media, diplomatic pressure, refusal of passport renewals, monitoring, threatening local businesses, threatening and gathering information about Falun Gong practitioners through illegal surveillance, blacklisting Falun Gong practitioners.
This report addresses only portion of cases of discrimination and interference Singapore Falun Gong practitioners have experienced since July 1999.
The main findings from these investigations shows:
.Singapore Falun Gong practitioners are discriminated against to certain extent in society
.Truth-clarification activities carried out by Singapore Falun Gong practitioners are restricted and interfered with by the police
.The hate propaganda and unlawful activities carried out by Chinese officials and Chinese agents in Singapore are extensive, on-going and have not been charged or punished.
The purpose of this document is to request Singapore government to cease desist all measures, discriminations and charges against Falun Gong practitioners and to investigate all illegal activities against Singapore citizens and residents undertaken by Chinese officials on Singapore soil.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction. 1
1.1 About World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong. 1
1.1.1 Who we are. 1
1.1.2 Past investigations. 1
1.1.3 Current work. 1
1.1.4 Why WOIPFG was formed. 1
1.2 What is Falun Gong. 2
1.3 Why Falun Gong is persecuted in China?. 2
1.4 The Extent of the Oppression. 3
2 Legal Existence of Falun Gong in Singapore. 4
2.1 Legal Registration. 4
2.2 Permits for Teaching Falun Gong Exercises and Holding Conferences. 4
2.3 Permits Granted to Falun Gong Practitioners. 5
3 Discrimination Towards Falun Gong Practitioners. 5
3.1 Police Inspection and Restrictions. 5
3.1.1 Case 1. 5
3.1.2 Case 2. 6
3.1.3 Case 3. 6
3.1.4 Case 4. 6
3.1.5 Case 5. 7
3.2 Police and SIR Warning. 7
3.3 Blacklisting Falun Gong Practitioners. 8
3.4 Refusal of Citizenship Application. 8
3.4.1 Case 1. 8
3.4.2 Case 2. 8
3.4.3 Case 3. 9
3.5 Refusal of Permanent Residence Application. 9
3.5.1 Case 1. 9
3.5.2 Case 2. 9
3.5.3 Case 3. 9
3.6 Deferral of Student Pass Renewals. 10
3.6.1 Case 1. 10
3.6.2 Case 2. 10
3.7 Refusal of Employment Pass Application. 10
3.7.1 Case 1. 10
3.7.2 Case 2. 10
3.8 Refusal of Assembly Permit Applications. 11
3.9 Termination of Access to Public Assets. 13
3.10 Forced Resignation from Work. 13
4 MacRitchie Incident 14
4.1 Description of Incident 14
4.2 Incident Used in China to Persecute Chinese Falun Gong Practitioners. 16
5 Charges Against Two Falun Gong Practitioners. 17
6 Chinese Officials?Unlawful Activities on Singapore Soil 18
6.1 Defamation on the Embassy’s Web Site. 18
6.2 Defamatory Materials Available inside the Chinese Embassy. 19
6.3 Hate Exhibitions. 19
6.4 Monitoring by Suspected Chinese Agent 21
6.4.1 Case 1. 21
6.4.2 Case 2. 22
6.5 Tracking Chinese Practitioners by Chinese Agent 22
6.6 Telephone Interferences. 22
6.7 Report to Police. 22
6.8 Refusals of Passport Renewals. 23
6.8.1 Case 1. 23
6.8.2 Case 2. 23
6.9 Refused Entering into China. 23
6.10 Mailing to MPs and other Government Authority. 23
6.11 Threatening Singapore Businesses. 24
6.11.1 Threatening Singapore Hotels. 24
6.11.2 Threatening Singapore Bookshops. 24
6.12 Manipulating Singapore Media. 24
6.12.1 Pressuring Local Media to Publish Defamed Articles. 24
6.12.2 Removing Advertisement Content in Straits Times. 25
6.12.3 Attempting to Stop Falun Gong Ad in Lianhe Zaobao. 27
Appendices. 28
Appendix 1 House of Representatives Passes Resolution Condemning Chinese Government Oppression of Americans over Falun Gong 28
Appendix 2: Jiang Zemin Faces Genocide Charges in U.S. District Court 30
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